Chapter Nine

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"Are you warming up?" Dean's hand hovered over the heater knob on his dashboard, ready to crank it up even higher if I wanted.

I huddled beneath the comfort of his black leather jacket. Any warmer and I'd be toasting. He didn't deserve to know that though.

"A little bit." I snuggled deeper into his jacket and breathed in the woodsy cologne lingering in the collar.

"I'm sorry, Paige. I wasn't thinking." I took a little satisfaction from the regret I heard in his voice.

"Obviously not." I slipped off my checkered vans and curled my feet beneath me in the seat of his sports car. Holding in my sigh of pleasure, I snuggled deeper into the comfy seat.

"I really wanted to win." His voice pleaded for my forgiveness, but I wasn't finished punishing him yet.

I glanced at the rather large trophy filling his back seat. "And you did."

"It's your fault, you know." His words accused, but his voice held a hint of teasing.

"How's that?" I moved my knee away from where his fingers were wandering, threatening to graze my leg as we zoomed down the highway.

"I lost my first round because I wanted to know why you came."

I stiffled a laugh. "Sure, that's why."

Dean grinned and glanced in my direction. "Yep. You jinxed me, and I lost. But, then you kissed me, and I got Neville's spot in the finals. And then, you kissed me again-"

"Ahem," I interrupted, "You kissed me."

"And I got my best time all season." He smiled widely. "I amost beat my personal record. Maybe if you'd kissed me a little longer, I would have."

"YOU kissed ME!" The last of my patience evaporated. "And then after you won your race, you ran into the bleachers like a crazy person, grabbed me into a painful bear hug, and got me soaking wet."

"But then," I refused to look his direction as he spoke. I could hear the laughter in his voice, and if I smiled, he'd know I wasn't really mad. "Like the gentleman I am, I gave you my jacket to keep you warm." From the corner of my eye, I noticed that he glanced at me again. "Aren't you warm yet?"

"No!" I kicked at his hand reaching for my leg. "In fact, I think I'm getting pneumonia, and I need to go home."

"Know what would make you feel better?"

A million things came to mind. My comfy bed. My own clothes that didn't smell like a yummy guy. My music blaring through my headphones. None of these things were swimming around in Dean's mind, I was sure.

"Lemme guess. A kiss?"

Dean chuckled. "Excellent idea, but no. I was thinking more of a midnight swim in the outdoor pool."

"Oh, you play dirty." How tempting it would be to slip into the McMahon's outdoor pool and sink into its depths. Then again, I would never get the chance. "You forgot about the party."

He slowed the car down and exited the highway. "We're almost there. Should I swing by your house to get your swimsuit?"

"No need." I knew exactly what I'd do as soon as I got to Kaitlyn's house, and it didn't involve swimming. Unfortunately.

Dean slipped his hand across the car and wrapped his fingers around my ankle before I could escape. He gently rubbed his thumb across my ankle bone, and I ignored the spark of heat radiating from where he touched.. "Skinny dipping? Why, Mermaid, what a bold suggestion. I'm positively shocked."

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