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"Today I close the door to my past, open the door to my future, take a deep breath and step through to a new life."


I walked to my house after hanging out with my best friend, Hermione. Hermione Granger has been my friend since we were both 7 years old and we often get told that we really go well together. She's mostly the sweet one and the smart one who follows the rules. I am the one who breaks the rules, doesn't like to learn, and is very, very sarcastic. 

We lived next door to each other so thankfully it wasn't a really, really long way. Thank God for that. But anyways, my name is Kira Taylor and I am like any other girl you would know. Well, almost like any other girl. I'm sure a lot of girls know who and where their father is and have a mother who is a stay at home mom. I'm also pretty sure that most girls don't like to cause trouble at school unless what they're doing to fighting another girl.

I do and have everything the opposite than what some girls would do. I'm mostly the type of girl to get into trouble so people would notice her. I'm not trying to get random people to give me attention. The one person I want the attention of is my mom because she is always working. My mom works for this big company, she is always busy, and she's doesn't even really have time for me. She used to when my father was still around, but he ended up having to leave. According to me mom, "He needed to go away for awhile" whatever that meant. My mom also says not to hate him because it wasn't his fault that he left.

That still doesn't stop me from hating and blaming him though. He could've found a way to stay with us, but he didn't. I don't even remember him at all because I was too young to remember him. My mom and my dad were only dating when they had me then at one point they decided it was best to be friends instead. They would each have me for a certain amount of time, but my dad "had" to leave so I only had my mom. Or at least what I consider half of a mom because she doesn't even do any motherly things. She's never around to do it so she is half of a mother. I get my looks from my mom is what I hear all of the time. I have red hair, green eyes, and I'm a little pale which I'm perfectly okay with.

I finally reached my destination and walked up to the door, opening it. I walked inside, closing the door behind me and I took my shoes off at the door. I looked at the clock to see it was five so my mom wouldn't be home yet. She usually comes home by 8 or 9 and if she doesn't then she's pulling an all-nighter. I went upstairs to my room and tried to find something to entertain me. 

After awhile of being bored, I heard something at my window, it was like something pecking at my window. I turned my head slowly to look at my curtain covered window and I shrugged. I heard the noise again and I stopped looking over to the window again. I walked over to my window and opened the curtains to find any owl there with a letter in it's beak. I opened my window and the owl flew in, dropping the letter on my bed before leaving the way it came in.

I stared after the owl and switched my gaze to the letter. I did that for probably 3 to 4 minutes before sitting on my bed and picking up the letter. The front of it had my name and my full address. It even had which room I was in which is a little creepy if I'm being honest. 

I opened the letter and pulled out the paper, reading it, "Dear Miss Taylor, we are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Wait what? 'Witchcraft and Wizardry'? Are they serious? "Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress."

I read over the things I would need and when I was done, I only had one thing on my mind. To tell Hermione about this. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to find her already there with her fist up like she was about to knock. I looked to see she had the same letter in her hand and she must've noticed mine too because she said, "You got the same letter too."

I nodded, "Do you really believe this though? It might be a scam."

"I thought I might've been that too, but don't you notice how we could do things that others couldn't. Like when we went through that haunted house one time and you were so scared-" I cut Hermione off.

"I was not." I said in denial crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then why did you scream?" She asked me. I said nothing so she continued her explanation. "After you screamed, all the light bulbs shattered that were in the room. That seems pretty magical to me."

I thought about it for a second, "Maybe you're right."

Hermione nodded, "I showed the letter to my parents and they're gonna take me to get my school supplies. We could meet up somewhere with our parents in Diagon Alley if you want."

"You might have to take me with you guys. I'm pretty sure my mom would be too busy to actually talk to me." I said sadly. I was only like this with Hermione seeing as she is my best friend. I would never act like this in front of anyone else. Hermione nodded saying that was okay and we spent the rest of the day talking about how cool this all was. She eventually went home though and I looked at the clock seeing it was getting late. I went upstairs in my room and fell asleep.

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