{2} Harry's Quidditch Debut

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One of Ron's brothers, Percy, was leading us up a staircase. He was currently directing us to where we would be staying while we were here. Percy spoke to us, "Gryffindors, follow me please. Keep up. Thank you," A Ravenclaw prefect, I found out that's what they were called, called out to the Ravenclaws. The group broke away from us as we went to a different direction. We ended up in a place with a bunch of staircases and a lot of paintings hanging on the walls, "This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases...they like to change. Keep up, please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on." We continued following Percy up the stairs.

"That pictures moving," Ron exclaimed. I looked at the paintings and were surprised to see that they were indeed moving. I blinked in shock and Hermione laughed at my facial expression. He pointed to another one of the paintings, "Look at that one, Harry!"

"I think she fancies you." Harry told Ron.

"Look!" A girl called out.

Another girl asked, loudly, "Who's that girl?"

One of the people, a man, in the paintings said, "Welcome to Hogwarts."

"Who's that?" Another girl asked.

We continued walking until we reached another painting. We weren't on the staircase anymore and we were now in a hallway. The painting was of a fat woman in a big, poofy, pink dress. She was completely still and I thought that she wasn't like the other paintings. Until she asked, "Password?"

Percy said very clearly, "Caput Draconis," The woman nodded and suddenly the painting swung open, slowly. It revealed a doorway into a room. Percy walked in and we followed, "Follow me, everyone. Keep up, quickly, come on," We looked around to see the room colors were mostly red. There were chairs, tables, and a fireplace near the red couch. "Gather 'round here," Percy ordered. "Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys' dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up."

I turned to Hermione with a wide smile that made her laugh, "This place is like heaven." I told her.

She laughed and dragged me to where the girls dormitories were, "Come on." We got up to our dormitory and we were both happy to see that we would be in the same room. I looked around and let out a happy gasp. This brought Hermione's attention onto me. Laying on a bed was my beloved darling cat, Zera.

I ran over to the bed and hugged the kitten tightly, "Oh my God! I missed you so much! Yes, I did! I will never leave you again!"

The Rebel Wizard {Harry Potter} {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now