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Harry's POV

"I think you should take Rory to homecoming." I boldly state. For the briefest of moments, Brody doesn't respond. He freezes up while bent down on the bench, his un-tied laces forgotten in between his fingers. Our lacrosse practice goes on around us, neither the coach or our teammates noticing how I crossed a line.

"Why?" Brody straightens up, gripping his lacrosse stick too tightly. "Did Rory say she wants to go?"

"No," I start with a shake of my head, "but what girl doesn't want to go to a school dance?"

"Tons of girls." Brody shrugs off, "kind of sexist of you, Harry, to assume all girls want to go to school dances." There he goes again. Using actual social issues to his convince his point like he actually cares about them.

"So, if Rory actually said she wanted to go, you'd take her?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"Hell no." Brody waves off with a scoff, pulling out a gatorade bottle no doubt mixed with just enough hard vodka to make Brody "relax".

"Would you take another girl?" I question, but it nearly comes off as an accusation. Rory is sure Brody wouldn't, but he's my best friend, and I can honestly say I'm not sure he would. Instead of answering, Brody just throws me a shit eating grin over the rim of his bottle that makes my hands ball into fists in my gear.

"Brody." I warn between clenched teeth.

"Pull your thong out of your ass. I wouldn't." Brody waves me off. Yes, he would. If a girl his type asked, Brody would take her instead of Rory.

"Why the hell are you asking?" Brody challenges me with a dirty look. His glare suddenly breaks into an expression of realization. "Oh shit, I should have known. Harry, do you wanna go together as friends? You don't have a date either—I get it, bros before hoes."

"No, Brody. I don't care about going to a school dance with or without a date." I bark, giving him a small shove. "I just think you should take Rory."

"Why the hell do you care whether I do or do not take my girlfriend to the dance?" Brody hisses, narrowing his blue eyes on me.

"Rory painstakingly made each and every single one of your homecoming king posters, then hung them up for you on every inch of the entire school, and you're not taking her? Don't you think that's kind of messed up not to take your girlfriend?" For a spilt second, I think Brody is going to break his lacrosse stick over my head.

"I'm not taking Rory." Brody spits.

"You should."

"Get your own god damn date, and stay the fuck out of my relationship, Harry." Brody seethes, shoving his helmet on too roughly, then storming onto the field.


I'm slowly beginning to dread after school. A sick feeling sinks into the pit of my stomach each time the last bell dismisses everyone for the day. Because I know the moment school empties out, Brody is going to shove Rory to some dark corner, then take advantage of her with false promises and sweet nothings.

When the final bell does sound off, I bolt out of my desk, rushing out of the classroom before the halls begin to cluster. I make it to the other side of the school where Rory's last class is letting out. Hitting the brakes hard, I almost get smacked by the opening door.

"Hey," I pant, leaning on the wall for support, while trying to look casual.

"Hey," Rory greets with an obvious tone of surprise as I hold the door open for her.

"Did you just skip class or something?"

"We were let out a few minutes early." I wave off, trying to even out my breathing. "Do you have anywhere you need to be after school?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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