6: Restoring Seals

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Nico stumbled as they landed in his father's palace. "Let us prepare," Hectate said as she strode out towards the ritual area that had been made a year ago to help Percy in the first place.

The area was small as to not call for attention. There was an altar in the middle that Percy lay on after taking off his shirt but leaving his shorts on. Leather straps secured him to the table and a mouthguard was put in Percy's mouth.

Percy was calm for the ordeal as the goddesses worked on the other aspects such as potions and mixtures needed. Nico was standing at the side and watching with his father that had joined them.

It was a painful process as everyone knew and drained Percy considerably, therefore the altar was placed near the Phlegethon River for him to drink from later.

About 3 hours later Percy was grunting from the burning the fire water brought as it healed him slowly. He was given nectar and ambrosia as well and could soon stand with help. "Thank you," Percy said as he looked to the small group of god and goddesses that had been helping him for the last year since his sentenced death. There were a few more but they were busy at the moment and weren't needed.

"We hope you visit soon," Hades said and headed back for his palace. Both demigods closed their eyes as the remaining beings said their own farewells and flashed away.

"Let's get you back," Nico sighed while supporting Percy to his feet.

"Not going to yell at me for not checking in? Death Breath is going soft," Percy chuckled tiredly.

"Only because you have to deal with those pesky Norse gods," Nico rolled his eyes and launched them through a nearby shadow to the living room of the Avengers tower.

During the almost 4 hours they were gone the Avengers had been yelling and nearly beating the shit out of Loki for messing with Percy and getting their teammate taken away to some unknown place with unknown people that resembled extremely powerful goddesses.

And that was the scene that the two black haired teens fell into, Percy actually falling on Loki. Loki here was going to input some cheesy line about the incident but was stopped as he was wretched on.

"Refreshing," Percy drawled sarcastically as he stood and wiped his mouth on his arm, slightly satisfied that it landed on the god. Loki looked at his clothes in disgust and reluctantly put out the small fire that had formed from a bit of firewater Percy had thrown up.

"Was that fire?" Tony asked after a moment of shock.

Percy absentmindedly looked at where Loki was grabbing himself a towel to get some of the blue puke off himself. "I wasn't supposed to throw that up," he groaned and sat on the edge of the couch. His shirt had been left in the underworld so the others could see his scars and the new seal markings that had been placed over his torso.

"You are so lucky dad gave me this," Nico threw a small flask at Percy who opened it to have the Phlegethon water flame out of the small opening.

"Thanks," Percy nodded and tipped his head back to down the liquid when a hand stopped him.

"You are not drinking that," Steve said as he tried to grab the still flaming flask. He eyed the contents warily.

"Um yes I am," Percy grabbed the container with his other hand and downed the liquid quickly. The Avengers watched the scene in shock and jumped as Percy doubled over with a pained groan. The scars on his torso faded slightly along with the marks disappearing altogether.

A/N Hello my patient readers!

Not one of you reminded me to get myself together and post this.... comment if I should post another chapter today (Maybe a third one too if you ask really nicely)

Tell me what you think about how this is going. (I'm worried Percy isn't as emotionless as I want in these next chapters so if there are any suggestions tell me)

Love you all! - Ghost

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