Chapter 36 {Final Chapter}

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Faith POV: 

The girls fall asleep early after a long day on the beach, leaving some alone time for Tim and I. He disappears for a moment, so I run upstairs and switch into some pajamas. I toss on a pair of softball shorts, before seeing Tim's t-shirt sticking out of his suitcase. I stagger over and pull it out, pressing my nose against the fabric. Just the smell makes me feel a little calmer... 

I throw on the shirt, feeling it drape down below my hips. I tie my hair up with a scrunchie while walking back downstairs. He's still nowhere to be seen, making me look around the house a bit. While starting toward the bathroom, something flickers through a window, forcing me to look out toward the beach. I walk out the backdoor, sliding it shut behind me, before starting down the wooden decking that leads to the beach. I can hear the distant strumming of a guitar. 

Tim sits beside a small bonfire, holding his guitar on a blanket a couple yards from the ocean. I walk closer, noticing two glasses of wine beside him, along with a bottle stood up in the sand. He glances at me, pausing his strumming for a moment. He smiles, as I sit down beside him, pulling my knees up to my chest while looking at the waves. He strums a couple chords, while I lean against his shoulder. 

"Sing me somethin'." I request, listening to the waves roll. He leans his head down on top of mine, taking a deep breath while he thinks. 

"You want to hear something I wrote?" He questions, while I nod. He lifts his head, clearing his throat as he strums a few more chords. He plays a steady beat, the sound of the strings blending with the ocean waves in a sweet melody. 

"I'd like to call you up right now and see how you're doin'... But I don't wanna hurt you anymore so I'll leave you alone..." He sings softly, his voice rasping. I watch him carefully, kind of mesmerized by him. "I can tell by the look on your face, you didn't see it comin'. I was tryin' to do what's best, but damn if it don't feel wrong..." He finished the chorus, before switching chords. "And I shot the stars out of your sky... took the love right from your eyes... and I did it all knowing you thought I was the hero of your heart..." He sings in a way that tears apart my soul. "But I turned out to be, the breaker..." He sings, glancing down at me. 

"I wish I could give you what you needed... but you can't tell a heart how to feel, I've tried to.... And I made you a promise with no way to keep it... But what kills me the most, is I'd still do anything for you..." He continues, like he's saying the words right to me. "And I shot the stars out of your sky... took the love right from your eyes... and I did it all knowing you thought I was the hero of your heart... But I turned out to be, the breaker..." He plays, taking a deep breath while continuing to strum. "But I'll forever be, the breaker..." He stops strumming on the last word, leaving me hanging on for more. He lets silence speak, while I feel completely numbed by the lyrics.  

"You know, every heartbreak you caused was worth it." I admit, watching him look at the waves. He breathes slowly, like he's thinking long and hard on it. 

"I caused a lot of unnecessary pain." He says, while I nod, knowing it's true. 

"You did. You also gave me the best things that have ever happened in my life." I reply, as he looks down at the sand. "You gave me the girls, you pushed me to start my career, and you held me through the hard times. You've always been my person to lean on, so during those times when you were absent, yeah it hurt and it sucked. But I wouldn't trade you in for anyone else. Nobody can fill that spot that you have in my life, and I'm thankful for that." I continue, as he lays his eyes on me. I take a sip of wine, before grabbing onto his hand. He sets down his guitar, seeming to think about what I've said. 

"When you were shot at that concert... I had never been so terrified. The idea of losing you just scared the hell out of me. I thought I had lost you, and that just made me realize how lost I'd be." He says, before clearing his throat once more. "I know I haven't been perfect since then, but I tried to be a better man after that. When you left, I lost my mind and I lashed out and tortured myself for losing you, which only made things worse. I should've seen that I was still hurting you, but I didn't, and that's on me." He apologizes, while I find myself getting hypnotized by the waves. I throw back the rest of my glass of wine, before standing up. He watches me, laughing as I reach out for him. "What on Earth are you doing?" He asks, smiling a bit at me. I grab his hand, and lead him toward the water. 

"I'm going for a swim." I answer, feeling him pull back. I look at him, watching him laugh at me. 

"I'm not getting in there fully clothed." He responds, while I watch the moonlight shine off the waves. 

"I am." I say, letting go of his hand. I wade through the waves, before getting about waist deep. I turn around, as he glances back at the house, then back at me. He sighs, watching me go in further, until it's up to my chest. He starts to walk in, as I float on my back, feeling the waves heal me, in a sense. I feel his arms come under me, cradling me a bit. I smile, before shutting my eyes, trusting him to keep me afloat. 

"What are you thinkin' about?" He asks quietly, while I breathe deeply. 

"I'm thinking about how at peace I feel." I admit, feeling like the waves are washing away everything that's weighed me down... not just things from the last few years, but from my childhood too. It just feels like I'm whole again, for the first time in a long time. I reopen my eyes, seeing him smiling down at me, seeming to be in awe. I stop floating, and instead I grab onto his shoulders and swim as close as I can to him. He holds me lightly, while he kisses my forehead. "I'm okay." I release, hearing my voice rasp a little. He pulls back to look in my eyes, as I smile at him. "Nothing you've done has scarred me. I'm alright, and I'm happy, just like this. Don't you ever think that you've somehow tainted my chance at achieving happiness, because I am so unbelievably happy with you." I say from the heart, watching his eyes well up a bit. He nods, before holding me a little tighter. "I love you." I add, before his smile grows. 

"I love you too." He replies, before kissing me. His kiss hits just right, making my heart flutter a little. He pushes my tangled wet hair behind my ear, before leaning his forehead against mine. He then kisses me once again, letting it linger a little longer. It takes my breath away... "Why don't we get out of here?" He says, like he's trying to pick me up at a bar. I laugh a bit, before nodding, running my fingers through his hair. He lifts me up, making me cackle laughing, as he takes me back to our room. 



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