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21.) It's three in the morning.
3.) I cant take this anymore.
1.) Why are you looking at me like that?

You walked out on the balcony, high above the city. The night sky twinkling high above you. You wrapped your arms around yourself, the thin straps of the sheer summer dress doing little to fight off the chill settling into the air. Fall was rolling into the city, the days were warm and the nights were cool.
     You heard the door open behind you and you glanced over, watching as your dearest friend walked out. His beard had grown out, something he had let happen between jobs these days. The corners of his eyes crinkled up as he walked over to you, handing you a glass of wine. You eyes drifted from his face back out over the city.
    The two of had spend most of the evening catching up, it had been a while since it had just been the two you. You missed your long late night chats or movie marathon evenings, Tom had always there for you no matter what was going on in your life. From back breakups, to you loosing your job, you knew you call him at any time, whether he was a sleep or not and he would always answer.
    "So, Tomas, how long are you in town for?" You asked quietly, not really wanting to know the answer to that question. He always seemed to be on the go these days and you worried about his health.
    "I'll be home for a while, I don't have any other films coming up at the moment." He replied.
    "That's wonderful, will you get to be able to relax a bit this time?" You asked turning away from the view, leaning back against the rail, looking at Tom. "Maybe you could give Abigail a called, she's been pestering me."
    "Abigail? Why would I call your sister?" He asked, his brows pinching together ever so slightly.
   "Cause, in her words, she's had a chance to reflect on her life and has decided call a peace to whatever went down you between the two of you." The words rolled off your tongue, chuckling as Tom shook his head. "My sister has decided to let old grievances go and give you a chance. In her words to woo her."
    "Oh dear lord." Tom sighed rolling his eyes before a long sip of his wine. "Nothing went down between us, except for the fact your sister is crazy. Always throwing herself at me, you remember how she acted when we graduated."
    "Yes," you giggled. "Claimed the love of her was moving away, leaving her to deal with the heathens in our school. All but throwing herself at your feet. She's mental that one."
    "Just remember you said it, not me." He cocked his head, the corners of his lips tugging up.
    "So, are you?" You smiled leaning over a bit.
     "Am I What?"
     "Going to give her a call?"
     "I will absolutely not." Giving you a bewildered expression. "I will not indulge in your little sister's childish fantasies this time, cause it will reignite that delusion that her and I are destined to be together under some alignment of the stars."
    "Oh Tom, come on." You laughed, placing your hand on his forearm. "It's so amusing watching her get all riled up."
    "No, anyway, there is someone I did want to see, maybe ask her out." His tone became serious, his eyes soften as they looked you over.
    The wind picked up, catching a tendril of your hair, it fluttered in front of your face. You smiled over to Tom, something about the way he looked at you had changed. He licked his lip, and you knew in that moment something was on his mind.
    "Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, reaching up to brush the strand of hair behind your ear.
    He turned his body so he was fully facing you, his feet shifting just a bit closer. You could feel your pulse begin to race. You would be lying if you said you hadn't entertained the idea of the two of you together. However the opportunity never came up, you or him were never single at the same time. The air was heavy with unsaid words, his eyes traveled down your face, lingering on your lips.
     "I can't take this anymore." He whispered, bridging the gap, stealing your lips with his.
    The kiss was quick, and light. Tom was testing the waters, seeing if maybe you would respond to him. Slowly you slid you arms up around his neck, allowing your body to mold to his. Tom's arm snakes around your waist, the palm of his hand resting lightly in the small of your back.
    His tongue flicked across your lips, you opened your mouth. He deepened the kiss, pulling you even tighter into his body. You broke away slowly closing your eyes, feeling a smile pull its way cross your face.
    "Tom.." you breathed, he leaned forward kissing your forehead as you bit your lip, the sudden urge to laugh coursing it's way through you.
    "Yes, darling." He whispered, you tilted your head back, looking up into those sky colored eyes.
     "My sister is going to kill me." You giggled, Tom sighed shaking his head. "You're right, don't call her."
    "It's three in the morning, I wasn't planning on it." He responded, holding you close to his body. "However it is late and I want to take you out on a proper date tomorrow."
    "Okay. I'll see you out then." You replied, still smiling.
    You walked with Tom through your flat, your fingers curled in around his. He picked his suitcase up off the floor, walking over to your door. He stopped after he unlocked it, looking back at you with a sweet smile on his face.
     "Night my love." Tom whispered before his lips graced yours again.
     "Goodnight, my Tomas." You whispered back.

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