Monday - 1st July

19 2 1
  • Dedicated to The Kids' Cancer Project

Dear Diary,

IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY. Mum and Dad planned this MASSIVE surprise party. There was SO many people there. 

My whole year level from school, the whole family, my friends from other schools that I know from sports, plus like everyone else I just know.

Mum and Dad had hired out the surf club I surfed at. The club rooms are three stories high and very upper class. Our club gets sponsorship from every big business in the area, we use it for the greater good. 

There were a lot of people there, which means a lot of people got me gifts. The list isn't as long as you'd think it would be. A lot of people, considering I was dying, decided to buy more expensive gifts together so that my parents weren't hordering too much shit. 

I loved everything people got me, they were all perfect. Now, let me tell you the story of the whole night.

Earlier that day, I was spending some time with my parents. Just doing some birthday stuff. Just before they left they said they had to set up the house for dinner. They had told me earlier that the family were coming over for dinner. They said someone will be over to pick me up.

So at about five o'clock, someone came. That someone, was Zac. Could the day get any more awkward? Of course, it did.

He lent against the edge of the wall, with a rose in his mouth. We both laughed at his compete stupidity. He took me down to the cab, and talked to me the whole time. Like how we used to when we used to. 

I asked him who was going to this "dinner" that we were supposed to be having. The gang and my family was the answer he gave me. 

In the car, on the way there, Zac got my sincere attention. He told me to open this velvet box that he gave me, for my birthday. Obviously. The most beautiful heart shaped locket was inside. 

Zac: I know we aren't together anymore, but I just wanted to give you something to remember me by. 

Me: Oh Zac. It's beautiful. Thank you so much. (Hugging him) I am so sorry for everything. You're still one of my best friends Zac. I'm so sorry. (I was crying at this point and he started to cry with me)

He apologised for everything as well. 

We eventually got to the surf club but just before we got there, Zac made me put a blind fold on so that "I wouldn't see what kind of dinner party my mother had planned". Remember, I still didn't know about the surprise party. 

I was shocked when I took of the mask to find the surf club filled with friends and family. I actually started to cry. 

From then on, I was saying "Hey!" to a lot of people who gave me there gifts and said happy birthday. 

I later found Alex. I ran right into his arms and gave him the biggest hug. He whispered into my ear, "Happy birthday, Lyssi." I started to tear up, again. He handed me a red, velour box which I opened to reveal a ring. 

Alex: It's a promise ring. I want you to wear it when you die. It has this written around it, but I'm still gonna say it anyway. I will always love you, Alyssa. There are no words that I can put together that can describe how much you mean to me. This ring I'm giving to you, It's saying that I will never forget you. You are my first love, I'm never going to forget you and you are definitely going to be my biggest love. I love you. I love you. I love you. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't even come into vision of how much I actually do. I'm never going to forget you, for those reasons, I am giving you everything.

I was full on balling my eyes out at this point, and so was he. How can it be, that I have the greatest party, and I'm sitting in the corner crying? My word.

I caught up with the rest of the gang, who had very heartfelt cards. I read them all and, of course, cried some more. I'm keeping the cards. 

Ok, this is the really good part. 

It was about 10:30 my parents got up, grabbed the microphone and made a toast. Yes, tears were shed.

At the end of the toast, they spoke directly to me saying, they hadn't finished off the gifts I was getting from them. They then said that I could go. I could go. Oh My God. I was able to go on the trip of a lifetime. However, I was only able to go to one continent. I had to pick that one in the next two days so that they could talk to some contacts and book. 

I was so excited I screamed. I ran up to them and gave them the biggest hug I have ever given anybody. 

I am thinking either Europe or Asia. 

Look, it's getting late, I better get some sleep. 


Alyssa xx

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