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Chapter One: Red Hair

"Rosetta, hurry your horses

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"Rosetta, hurry your horses. We need to get there as quickly as possible!" My mother, Juliette, called after me. I sighed and locked my suitcase, just as my brother James opened my bedroom door and peaked his head inside,

"You better hurry up before mother blows her top" he joked, leaning against my doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. I chuckled and handed him my large leather suitcase.

Me and my brother have never had an amazing relationship, although on the off chances he's nice to me is when he's in a good mood, which is hardly ever. So when he was being kind to me today, it was a shock to say the least. Especially since today's the day we're going to Trinidad for vacation. James hates moving around. He believes it to be a waste of time, but i find it to be adventurous. I've always loved going from place to place, it gives one a worldly perspective and I've traveled a fair deal, the world is beautiful in itself, yet so unappreciated.

"Rosey, can i make new friends in Trinidad?" exclaimed my little brother, Jamie. He's almost like me, he loves going from place to place and especially meeting new people. Although the people around us tend to taint his perspective on everyone, they make them believe anyone of a lower status is simply unimportant, I always try to refresh his mind from those dangerous and nasty thoughts.

"But of course Jamie! We can walk around the forest and try to find new animals to add to your collection. I'm sure mother won't mind if we we bring home a butterfly or two" i smiled widely at him as we walked to the carriage, Jaime giggled took his seat between me and James, me having the window seat as always.

The ride took about an hour from what i was told, i too busy looking out into the forest and watched everything pass by. We then boarded the ship which would take us to our destination. I barley spent time in my own room on the ship, i spent most of my time looking outside as the water floated under me, feeling the wind go through my curly red locks. I felt as if the smell of the sea water would never leave mind and the sheer thrill of seeing the fish swimming underneath the boat.

"Oh Madam, let me take those bags for you" said an older colored man, rushing to take my bags, he turned around to walk away but i gently grabbed him arm, turning him around to face me.

"Here" i smiled softly, handing him two coins. Oh if mother could see what i was doing, she'd have my head for this.

"No no miss, i couldn't possibly-"

"It's okay. You deserve it for all the hard work you've done" i said opening his hand and placing the two coins in them, he gave me a grateful smile and placed the money in his pocket before heading off to the carriage.

"Rosetta, come along now, we don't have all day!" My mother shouted from the carriage, i mentally rolled my eyes and rushed over to the carriage where my mother immediately started swiping down my dress.

"Did they touch you? Did you fraternize with those people? They better not have gotten their filth on you, child!" She exclaimed wiping down on my dress and running her hands through my thick red hair. I silently rolled my eyes at this dispute, of course she wouldn't understand that the people on this island are helpful and not trying to take from us, her mind has been tainted since she was my age; younger even. She's never understood the beauty that lies beneath every person.

"No mother, nothing happened, i did not fraternize with them. They were being kind" i grumbled, moving away from her.

"You do not talk about them as if they're your equal, Rosetta. They are the help, nothing more. Maybe that red hair has gone to your head" she growled, grabbing my face in her hands tightly, she ripped her grip away from my face and turned back to face out the window. I rubbed my face and turned away from her as i could feel the tears brimming in my eyes.

My head snapped up at the feeling of a warm hand over mine, Jamie looked over at me with his big brown eyes. He sent me a warm smile and leaned his head on my shoulder, his soft brown hair brushing against my cheek.

I've always loved my little brothers hair, it's a beautiful shade of brown that matches his eyes perfectly. He has the same eye color as my mother while me and my older brother James have the same eye color as our father. The only difference between me and my brothers is that i was stuck with the same red hair as my father. Although i find my hair a luscious shade of red, I've never been ashamed of it, even though my mother would disagree. She won't admit it but she hates my hair.

"C'mon Rosey, help me find a room!" Jaime squealed, grabbing my hand and running me into our vacation home. Before i even had a chance to go upstairs, James pushed passed me and made his way to the second biggest room, knowing mother always takes the largest bedroom. That left me with the third biggest room and Jaime with the fourth. This house had nearly 7 rooms, not including the two bathrooms, one in mothers room and the other in the hallway.

"Miss Berkley, lunch is being served in half an hour" said a middle aged colored woman with a thick accent.

"Oh please don't call me 'ms Berkley' it makes me feel old, you can call me Rosetta or Rose" i chuckled as i finished removing my jewelry and hair clips, letting my thick hair rest on my shoulders.

"If you insist, anyway I'll call you when it's done, Rosetta" she smiled softly, i sighed and put on my black boots before heading downstairs and out the backdoor.

I heard the sound of voices that didn't sound like either of my family members. I walked outside and saw the woman who came into my earlier, hugging a man that looked a bit like her with a tall white boy standing a couple feet away.

"Excuse me?" I asked announcing my presence, their heads snapped towards mine as the woman's eyes widened in fear

"Miss Berkley, I'm sorry. Please don't tell your mother, i-I'll have dinner prepared soon and-" she scrambled out.

"Hey, it's okay. Who is this?" I said sending her a soft smile and turning to the two men that stood in front of us,

"This is my son Sebastian and his friend uh, boy, what name were you christen with?" She said pointing to the man she was hugging before and the white boy who held his hand out to shake.

"Uh...Gilbert Blythe, ma'am"

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