Chapter 4

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A/N: Event is over!! Gratz to the three winners @Npeiqi,@Xuewen2211 and @leiayumi!! If you miss it this time, don't worry because there would be more(maybe) when i reach 5k reads? I know that event is kind of too fast for a book that just have 3 chapters but anywho...

Even though the event is over,i want to thank @c_kayolo for commenting and voting!

Here is the next chapter you guys are waiting for right? Or not haha! So enjoy ma lovely readers!! Also so sorry for the late update!


~Ji Eun and Min Jung IS the same person. So don't get confused.

--I did not check for grammars and errors, so mind my mistakes!--


Min Jung a.k.a Ji Eun's POV

"Gongju ah, Your dress for the ball just arrived this morning. Do you want to see it?" My maid asked while trying waking me up for school.

"hmm..I will see it when i come home after school unnie." I said sleepily. She nodded and went out so that I could get ready for school.

*A new day for me~* I thought as I get dressed. Today is already the 3rd day since I start schooling. Even though I still have no friends,- wait are those 12 classmates of mine counted as a friend? Or I must ask? Hmm...


"Bye Mike!" I said and got off the limo at the nearby park,as usual. He then drove off. Since it is still early, I decided to look around the school. The school was big. My favourite place would still be the garden. To go to the garden, I would pass by the dance studio. As I was walking pass it, a addicting music was played.

*woah! What song is this?* I thought as I went closer to the door to listen to the music clearer.

"Na eureurong eureurong eureurong dae~" was what I heard. Once the music stops, I quickly walked towards the garden. If I stayed longer, someone might see me. And if a person comes out of the room, I might get scolded perhaps?

As usual, the garden was peaceful and of course, peaceful is not my style. I turned on some music loud even for me to hear.I just loved the view here. I laid my head down on the table and I fell asleep.

BaekHyun's POV(finally my own part~Kkaepsong~)

We were all practicing own song 'growl' at the dance studio. There was still some time before classes start.

"Okay guys. Let's stop our practice here. Take a break classes are going to start soon" Suho Hyung said.

"Ne" we chorused. I decided to go and get some fresh air at the garden. Whenever I am there,it makes my feel relax and relieved. I entered the place to see someone sleep soundly and playing the music softly just beside her. I walked nearer to see our new classmate, Ji Eun.

*When she sleeps,she looks so innocent and so carefree* I thought. I mean even if she is awake,she looks innocent too but when she sleeps,it looks MORE innocent,you get what I mean? I guess not...


The bell rang,signaling five more minutes before classes starts. I was about to go but I remember she was still sleeping.

"Yah... Ji Eun. Wake up. Classes are starting soon" I lightly shook her to wake up.

"Hmm.." She woke up with a blank expression on her face. Seeing her like that, my heart starts to beat a little faster(?). What the...

Princess in disguise ( EXO FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя