{✔}| Son Of Hephaestus:- (15)

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So the last chapter was depressing huh?

Stupid author...

Yeah, I know I just insulted myself. But I'm okay with that! xD

I swear, the mood will change. Hang in there! :)

Happy reading! (I literally am so mean, LOL)




I felt the air being knocked out of my lungs as I stared at the girl I love lying lifeless in Percy's arms. Every part of me wanted to blame him, to hate him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. The broken look in his eyes told me he was already blaming himself, and I knew it wasn't his fault.

My heart broke all over again, as I realized that I was too late. I now held her in my arms, wishing she'd just wake up so we could all yell at her for scaring the life out of us.

"Ree-Ree?" Dylan whispered, his voice cracking. He held her hand as tears welled up in his eyes. "Come on Ree, don't leave us like this."

But we all knew it. She was gone.

As I closed my eyes, all the memories of her returned to me. Her smile, her laugh, how she was so self-conscious, her smirk, and most of all, her lack of boasting.

Today, we lost a hero.




~Olympus~ (In 3rd person)

"This is unbelievable!" Aphrodite cried, glaring at Zeus. "She's my daughter! I demand for her to be given a second chance!"

Zeus sighed. He had never seen Aphrodite so upset. She really did blame herself. "Silence!" He yelled, silencing the goddess. But he knew he couldn't silence the goddess forever.

"We will not offer the child immortality, if that is what you're suggesting," Zeus started, only to receive a death glare from Aphrodite. "But the decision to give her another chance, we'll have to vote on it."

"Zeus," Hera spoke, trying to convince her husband. "The girl is innocent. She is no threat to us. Why must there be a vote?" Zeus turned to her. "I have my reasons. Either there will be a vote, or she stays in the Underworld." Hera kept silent. She had done what she could.

Aphrodite sighed. "Even if I'm the only one who wants her back from the dead, I swear on the River Styx, I will find a way to bring her back."

"All in favour of bringing Desiree Kelsh back from the dead, vote now." Immediately, Poseidon's hand went up, followed by Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus (who refused to look at Aphrodite), Dionysus (a bit reluctantly), Hera and surprisingly, Ares. All had their hands raised, leaving Zeus shocked. He had expected a few protestors, but none were protesting.

"Very well," Zeus sighed. "I'll send a message to Hades-"

"Why send a message when I'm already here?" The king of the Underworld interrupted, walking into the grand hall. Zeus stared at him before speaking.

"Hades, send the girl back."

He shook his head. "I'm afraid the process will be a long one. Is she really worth it?" Aphrodite stood up and slammed a fist onto the golden table. "She is my daughter! That was not supposed to happen!" She cried, turning to glare at Hades, who looked startled.

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