Chapter 7

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Class was boring. Listening to her team talking was worse.

"I don't know why we're looped into this," Natalia groused to the gang at lunch. "We're called Assassins for a reason. We work alone."

Everyone agreed and loaded complaints of their teams. Selena and Karina both shared the similar problems: Clint's flirting and corny pickup lines.

Selena inhaled and gave a perfect imitation: "Girl, are you an assassin? Because you have a nice ass."

Gusion fell over laughing. Karina's anger never subsided as she stabbed everything in sight with her fork but her salad. (Saber didn't eat and shoved his fill to the girls. The boys refused to consume anything that's not meat.)

When classes resumed after lunch, Lesley was more than annoyed to be stuck in a limited room with four other people, not counting Ruby, their instructor.

It went downhill when their tank, tried to get her to retreat from the "emo zone" and join their conversation. Unfortunately, she had a total fuckass in her team named Valir.

"Why did we get the useless one? We're doomed to lose!" Valir flared quite literally. He set Lapu's hair on fire.

"What did she do to you, huh? Leave her alone," Irithel defended her, her pet lion baring its teeth at the fire mage.

Lesley said nothing as she stared blankly out the window, where a massive flock of doves were pecking furiously at their window, but no avail. After seeing so many crazy stuff, this was considered normal.

Lolita got in front of her table. "Are you okay? Don't listen to him!"


"Don't bother. One day, she'll end up killing us all. Stay away from her," Valir continued. "All assassins do. They try to be your friend and kill you later on."

Lesley rolled her eyes. She was used to comments like this when she was traveling with Harley. The young magician didn't catch any of it, but she certainly did with her keen senses.

In fact, she'd heard it so often it became boring. Could they come up with more original insults?

Ruby kicked the doors open dramatically. "Class, hop to it! I want you people to follow me now!"

Everyone jumped at her sudden entrance but Lesley. She'd heard her footsteps minutes ago.

Their hooded instructor led them through corridors and doors marked HALL OF FAME in gold letters. Lesley simply walked past it, but the rest of her teammates lingered curiously.

"Don't blame me if you get lost," Ruby said from the front.

Lesley heard more chatting from behind and the front of them. They were more teams, for sure... but none of them were her friends.

That is, except Gusion and Saber those two became best buds instantly.

A hand touched her shoulder. "Hi! I'm dead."

Lesley smirked at Selena and Karina. "How's class?"

They groaned and made some rude gestures that explained everything. Fanny waved her hand like a madman on the ceiling above and she joined them, swinging cables around like Spiderman.

"Does anyone know where we're actually going?" Fanny fired another cable above Professor Estes. "My team really is boring. Won't stop asking me questions."

"Same," Lesley echoed.

"Don't even want to mention it," Selena agreed. "That cowboy asked me on a date at a strip club."

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