Episode 15: Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter

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"Boomstick" Bold

"Wiz" Bold and Italics

"Third Party" Italics


Last Time on YJWB

Wally was about to press play for the next episode, but an unexpected visitor arrived.

Recognized: Doctor Fate 17

The Lord of Order yelled at the computer speaker. "For the last time. I'm Giovanni! I'm still in control, here! Ugh..."

Everyone raised brows at his arrival just after Flash left.

"Dad?" Zatanna asked, surprised by her father's visit. "What's up?"

The eyes through the helmet gave a stern look. "Have you been messing with my potion ingredients again?"



"All I need is to boil these two mixtures together, and Robin will never leave me for some disgusting tramp."

"Zanny!" her father called. "Have you seen my Erlenmeyer flask and Himalayan salt?"

Looking down at the very things in front of her, she replied, "No. Can't say that I have. Have you checked the shed."

"Thanks anyway. It's late. Go to bed already!"

"Okay, goodnight!"

Flashback End

"No..." she answered with the straightest face she can.

Zatarra/Fate looked at his daughter carefully. "We'll be talking about this later." He turned to the rest of the people in the room. "So, how are you all enjoying these informative movies?" he asked as he gestured to the TV.

"Pretty cool so far actually. We've seen gods and demons," started Dick.

"Turtles, Dinosaurs, a Hedgehog," continued Wally

"An Italian Plumber," added Artemis.

"And Cats!," exclaimed Megan and Zatanna.

The elder magician chuckled. "I'm glad to see that the wonders of the cosmos are entertaining for you." He turned to the adults. "How are you guys holding up?"

Oliver shrugged. "Diana had to take a breather because of the gods we saw." He ignored the glare he received from her.

Zatarra nodded. "Ah, I see." He turned to the princess. "Please keep in mind that not all gods are the same across the multiverse. Ours may be very different from what you saw."

She sighed. "Yes. I'm aware of that. While I already received that talk from the others, I am glad that you care."

Clark offered his thoughts. "I'm simply amazed at how powerful some of these people are. If I ever appear on this show, I'll be interested in who they pit me up against."

Bruce, hiding his saltiness about losing to Spider-Man, contributed to the conversation. "It's a learning experience for all of us."

Zatarra nodded looked at the TV once more. "I see that you have another one in the queue. Any idea what it's about?"

Wally grinned. "It's gonna be great! We got Luke Skywalker against some wizard looking guy."

Zatarra raised a brow in intrigue. "A wizard you say?"

Zatanna jumped in. "Yup. I think it's really cool to see what other magic users are like. Maybe I can learn some new spells."

Zatarra did his best to keep a straight face even though it was hidden under the Helmet of Fate. 'Do you see what's happening, Nabu? As interesting as it may be, she's learning magic from random schmucks in the multiverse because you won't give me the time to tutor her.'

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