Chapter 13- Violetta

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"Leon." Leon stands and stares at me and I him. He looks older and taller and very handsome.
"Vilu." Leon's voice falters on my name and he looks right into my eyes. We continue to stare at each other until Leon awkwardly drops his gaze.
"What are you doing here?" Leon looks at me with his big kind eyes and it would be so easy to lie to them, but I can't.
"Leon, I came to talk to you." Leon looks stunned at my word and I instantly feel embarrassed, I sound like a stalker or something.
"You know Vilu I really don't think we have anything to talk about. You left and moved on and so did I. What else is there to talk about?" Leon seems angry and anger fills his voice. Oh gosh what if he has a girlfriend? Or a wife! I don't want to ruin his life, on the other hand he deserves to know."Vilu I don't have anything to say to you." Leon turns to start walking away but I grab his arm.
"Yeah well I have tones! Please you have to listen." Leon sighs then nods.
"Alright, what is it?" Leon asks. Here goes.
"Four years ago I told everyone I left to go on tour and then I built a career in France." Leon nods knowingly, this is probably what Fran and Cami told him anyway." Well it was a lie."
Leon looks confused and rightly so. The words are just so hard to say. Leon rubs the back for his neck then turns to me again.
"Ok, what really happened?" Here goes.
"I had a child." I watch as Leon's eyes grow so wide and his jaw drops.
"Vilu are you mad! First you leave without saying goodbye, without saying anything for four years then you turn up here to tell me you have a child! How many times do you have to break my heart?" Tears fill my eyes and Leon turns to storm away. He doesn't understand, he's the father, I have to tell him but my legs stay glued to the ground. Just before he walks away to much I find my voice again and shout.
"Leon you've got it all wrong! Your the father!" Leon stops and turns around suddenly and looks at me with cloudy eyes. Leon does the last thing I thought he would do.
He runs up and hugs me.
"Oh Vilu. I'm so sorry, I should have known I'm so..." Quickly I cut Leon off.
"I should have told you, I'm so sorry." Leon smiles, his beautiful strong smile. A smile I've missed for four years.
"Wait. Did you have a girl or a boy? What's their name? What do they look like?" Leon's voice gets quicker and more exited and I can't help but laugh.
"A girl. A beautiful girl, her names Aria." A single tear falls from Leon's smiling face and in one swift movement I wipe it away.
"I want to meet her Vilu, right now. I want to be Arias Dad. I've never stopped loving you Vilu, not a days gone by where I haven't thought of you." Leon pulls me towards him and I grin happily at his words.
"I still love you Leon. Always have, always will." The second I finish speaking Leon kisses me. A beautiful passionate kiss and I feel my arms rap around him. All to soon Leon pulls away.
"Stay with me Vilu. We can be a family, you, me and Aria." My grinning is unbearable at this point. I don't think I've ever been so happy. Leon's happy, I'm happy, I love him, he loves me and best of all he wants to be with Aria. We can finally be that family I've been dreaming of. I don't have to be alone anymore, I don't have to be alone ever again.

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