Chapter 16- Violetta

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Today's the day! Finally Aria and Leon will meet. I'm so exited I'm literally jumping up and down. Being a single mother is the hardest thing in the world. Even though me a Leon are not technically dating, I don't feel as alone. I just wish I could tell my Dad and Angie. I wonder if Angie's still in Paris? Maybe she's married, maybe she has kids? No, I think she would have found some way to contact me if she was getting married. Fran and I brought my stuff to Leon's apartment. I don't really know what's going to happen next. Leon told me he still loves me and I him. I don't think I could leave him again. Leon comes into the lounge and sits on the sofa, next to me. Neither of us say a word, it's not an awkward silence, it's a peaceful one. One questions been on my mind all day. carefully I lean into Leon and he puts his arm around me.
"What's going to happen now?" I ask him and feel Leon tense up.
"Your not going to leave are you Vilu?" Leon's voice is full of worry, it warms my heart to know he doesn't want me to leave.
"I will be here for as long as you want me." without turning around I can tell Leon's grinning.
"You'll be here a long time then, forever to be exact." I return the grin, this time turning around to face him." You and Aria of course. I meant what I said Vilu, I want to be Arias Dad and I want to live with you both." Again my heart melts and instinctively I lean in a kiss Leon gently. It was a small but magical kiss.
"Thank you Leon, I meant what I said as well, I love you." Leon pulls me strongly into his embrace.
"I love you to, always."
"There's still some things I have to do though." Leon looks confused and rightly so.
"I haven't told my Dad, or Angie, I don't even know where Angie lives." I feel Leon tense up.
"So we have to tell your Dad. Excuse me while I go and get some bull-it proof armour." Playfully I elbow Leon."But as for Angie, I know where she is. I overheard Pablo telling Beto that she's with your Dad." I can feel my eyes light up. If Angie's with Dad he must be happy. Maybe it will be easier to tell them both together.
"Really! Angies here?" Leon nods and smiles.
"Yeah I think so. She's probably staying with your Dad in his apartment." I jump up of the sofa and smile.
"Then we have to tell them. Now. I don't want to lie to anyone anymore. Arias not coming for a couple of hours, we have time." Leon jumps up and takes my hand.
"If that's what you want to do we will tell them together Vilu." Leon says whilst squeezing my hand.
"Thank you." Leon smiles.

( sorry it's not very long, I'm going to update daily now:) please comment what you think will happen or what you want to happen. thanks for reading )

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