l o u d c o n f u s e d s c r e e c h

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I found the perfect song that represents me so GODDAM much.

Of course, since I don't have the fucking WiFi, I cant place the video up there.

BUT yOu GUyS mUsT hAVe tHe iNTerNeT!!!

So it's called Mister Glassman

"Lets paint a picture, you're in class. The teacher writes the notes too fast,

And there's a boy who sits in back,

Whos too afraid to raise his hand, and ask if she can slow it down.

So nervously he looks around."


Even the part with "there's a cutie in his class" cause I do like someone (Were dating?) and I just can't word feelings so I just jxnskxndknsmdk

WINgARdiUmHevIOeSA I'm fucking O U T with a typo by Typø!

Well Have SuM ShitpossstttssssッWhere stories live. Discover now