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Jisung woke up earlier than usual for no particular reason.

He stretched and reached over his phone to check his social media.

He turned on his phone and saw the message that Minho left him last night.

yesterday, 23:52

@ lleexminho : hey

"What the fuck why is he texting me?" Jisung whispered to himself.

He decided to reply instead if leaving him on read.

today, 6:10

hi : hanjjsung_

lleexminho : typing...

"Oh my god he replied so fast!!" Jisung said sitting up and throwing his phone across the bed.


He had to gather all his courage to look at the message.

today, 6:11

lleexminho : you're up early

i could say the same for you : hanjjsung_

lleexminho : fair enough

"Was that weird to say?" Jisung thought. But his thoughts were interrupted by another text from Minho.

lleexminho : you know nao?

At this point Jisung made a conclusion that Minho went through his whole page because the last time he posted a picture with Nao was a month ago. His cheeks heated up because that means Minho saw all his selcas.

yeah, she's my best friend : hanjjsung_

lleexminho : ohh really?
i gtg now
gotta get ready for school
see you around

ok, see you : hanjjsung_

"Well that was eventful" Jisung said and got of his bed to go shower.


It was the end of the school day and Jisung was leaving school with Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin.

"What's Nao doing here?" Felix said looking at the school main entrance.

"I have no idea, she didn't text to meet at Starbucks either." Jisung replied checking his phone again.

"That can only mean one thing," Hyunjin said smirking and crossed his arms.

"And what would that be." Seungmin said.

"Her and Minho were texting each other and she came to meet him."

"Yeah right." Felix said and laughed.

"Don't believe me? Watch. Minho is gonna pull up and they're gonna go somewhere."

And to their surprise, Hyunjin was right. Minho met a smiling Nao and they walked off together.

"Hah! What did I tell you!"

"Whatever." Seungmin said. "You guys wanna go for bubble tea?"

"I'm down." Felix and Hyunjin said in unison.


"Nah you guys go, I'm really tired gonna take a nap." Jisung waved them off.

"Ok lazy, see you tomorrow."

"See you."

Jisung turned around and started walking home.

His brain was a mess, he was feeling an emotion he has never felt before.

The way Nao and Minho left school together, talking and smiling made Jisung feel some type of way and he just couldn't figure out what.


hope the story is not too boring so far.
I need to write this so the minsung can start 😂

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