Chapter IV

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Dear Diary,

You're never going to understand everyone you meet in life, right?

Like, it's impossible. Some people are just too damn hard to read. Others, just have towers of protection built round them, too high to even think about climbing over, or too strong to even phantom being destroyed.

I guess I fall into the second category but yesterday I met someone in category No.1. It was as if his face had been etched into my mind and his personality had been fused into something that I was unable to forget. He was mesmorizing. I mean from a quick conversation, he was undeniably every girl's dream boy. But I learned, the hard way, may I add, that looks were deceiving and any quick conversation could flip as fast as a coin. It all started off great, his gentleman ways and good looks, but all of a sudden, it was as if something in side of him had flicked the wrong switch and his mask tumbled down. It was if he realized that someone was nearing his territory and close to breaking down his walls. That's when he started snapping.

I guess he's not like that with everyone, maybe it's because I jumped into a conversation too easily or brought up a touchy subject, but the phone call is what triggered the second change of mood. Who called him? Why did they call him? What did they say? These questions raced through my mind, not stopping to give me a chance to think of a legitimate answer.

Another thing is, did the public know about this side of him? Like, how he's slightly "bipolar"? Maybe I'm just judging him too quickly, I mean come on..What more do I know about him other then his name and the fact he likes looking at pretty things? Nothing.


HARRYS POV {Ikr omfg}

I'm a dick.

Its like I can't control my mind at times, my thoughts voice one thing but as they pass through my body, they some how change and the most unexpected shít comes out of my mouth.

Some may say I'm insane, ( no people actually say I belong at some mental institution called Wikendale ), but I'm sure I'm not.

Maybe it's just a phase, I thought for a while. But as time went on, my outbreaks became more frequent. However, there is a reason why, apparently. My mother had been in hospital for a few days now, after being diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks earlier.

The doctors had encouraged me to go to therapy but I thought it was too soon and I knew that I would be back to normal in no time.

"What's up mate?" Someone sat down beside me and asked,"You haven't been yourself lately."

I recognized the persons voice but still my gaze was fixed on my entwined fingers as my mind shifted through the clutter of thoughts, jamming up my mind.

"Nothing really, just letting the stuff about my mum sink in I guess. It's a lot to take in at once."

"Yeah, we totally understand, we just want you to know that all of us are here for you if you ever want to talk to anyone."

I smiled up at him, "Thanks Niall."

"No problem, c'mon lets go and join the others."


The doors opened as I made my way closer to the warm interior of the hospital. It was only warm in one way, however, nothing really that goes on in here is ever really happy. My legs took me over to the stairs which I climbed without hesitation after my last encounter with the lift. The lady at the desk near the ward my mum was in smiled and me which I returned as I opened the door to my mums room.

"Hey mum, how are you?"

"I don't like this."

"What, cancer?"

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