Chapter 2

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Raysen is the star athlete at school. He was well know for his athleticism and being a freshman but taking over most sports and maintaining them well into his sophomore year. You could tell that sports and his grades mattered to him. I was sitting in the courtyard reading a book, it was nice and sunny with a little bit of a breeze every now and then when I hear "Seriously I just got those papers in order" as a gust of wind blew through and blew some papers around. Thankfully for Raysen only one of his papers escaped his hold and blew away. Not to far as I managed to catch it and return it to it rightful owner, but not before I managed to see the poor grade on it.
" Hi I'm Ary"
I managed to squeak out. I'm not that shy but I'm not that confident either especially when I'm held captive in his eyes.
" I think this maybe your paper."
"Uh yeah it is. Thank you for catching it for me, I'm try to go over it to see what I got wrong and why, I don't why but I'm really struggling with this class."
I was shocked at his confession and the fact that he actually told me.
"Uh not a problem and if you want I can help you with that class, I understand it quite well and don't mind helping you."
The look on his face was pure shock and bafflement.
" Why would you want me I just a jock who doesn't care about his grades"
I stare at him in amazement and said
"We both know that's not true, you wouldn't be sitting here trying to better your grades if you didn't care."
I won't forget his reaction when I said that.
"Wow you are the first person to say that to me, most people agree with me and continue with what they were doing before they stumbled upon me. I think I'll take you up on that offer."
I answered him with amusement in my voice,
"I wouldn't have offered if I minded. How about the little coffee shop down the street, Mindy's, tomorrow around six thirty?"
"Yeah sounds good, thank you Ary."
"Anytime Raysen, see you tomorrow."
How did it go?
Here's chapter 2 for you.

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