Chapter Three

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It was weird and lonely at home by myself. My mother had set me up with my grandparents' old home. A one storey house with a modernised kitchen, a jazzy bathroom, a decent big bedroom and a comfy living room. The garden had been tended to as well. Mom had hired a gardener to keep an eye on the place. I went into my bedroom. Double bed, desk with laptop, T.V on the wall. I sat at the desk and turned on my laptop. While I waited for my laptop to load up my Google search, I went and fixed myself a drink. Then I went through my boxes of stuff I had brought here with me. One box was filled with school supplies including my resources. I checked my English booklist and took out all the books I would need for this year. I was only missing Animal Farm by George Orwell. I piled the books on top of each other and moved them to the side of the sofa. I then went back to my laptop. I put the orange juice down on the desk beside the laptop. First things first, I Googled their names. There was nothing about an Analisse or Cordelio. No Facebooks, no Twitters, no social media whatsoever. So I then Googled this Twilight book. It seemed extremely popular, fandom pages, Wikipedia pages and plenty being sold online. I Googled further and found a summary. I found an extremely in-depth summary and started to read. Twilight was about a girl who starts new at a school, meets five vampires called the Cullens who pretend they aren't vampires but are actually vampires blah blah blah. It was a romance, I was sure it was a decent book but I wasn't sure what to think. I leaned back on my seat and let my mind spin dizzyingly.

So Emily was saying these girls were... Vampires? Feeling paranoid and frankly a bit confused, I decided to cook food. It was getting late and I was starving. I quickly cooked tuna pasta. As I was eating, the phone rang. I answered it while eating.


"Honey? Kylo? How did your first day go?"

"In Hell? Oh great. How's your divorce?"

"Kylo. This is unnecessary."

"Yeah tell me about it."

"Can you just talk to me? Please?" Mom sighed in exasperation. I rolled my eyes.

"My first day was extremely uneventful. I met the quarterback of the football team. I think tryouts have already occurred but the quarterback wanted me to come to sit in on one of their practices."

"Sounds good honey but you and football mean girls and you and girls means sex and that means STDs and pregnancies and-"

"Mom. Back off. It's just playing football. It'll help me to make friends. That's what you want isn't it?"

"Yes, honey. I love you Kylo. Keep your head focused please."

"Bye Mom." I hung up and dropped the phone on the counter. I then washed my dishes and did what little homework I had from my first day. It was quite late by the time I had finished, almost ten so I went to bed. My dreams were a mix of beauty that was beyond compare and football and girls.

The next day, the only thing I cared about was talking to Emily. I wanted to discuss this whole vampire thing and found out if she had any actual proof. However, it wasn't until lunchtime that I got the chance. Once Randy started discussing football tactics and the girls started talking about a new movie coming out, I whispered in Emily's ear.

"I researched the whole vampire thing."

"Twilight?" Emily whispered back. I nodded.

"Yes. Is there any proof about this?"

"Not really."

"We need to talk about this properly." Emily thought for a moment.

"How about we go to yours? Friday night. Or mine? Randy will be busy with practice."

"Mine. I have a house to myself." Emily nodded and smiled at me.

"Okay, it's a date." I smiled back at her then looked around the cafeteria. The two Hayes girls were sat at their usual seat. Only this time Cordelio, the blonde was looking at him. Her beautiful eyes were narrowed. She turned away and muttered something to Analisse. Analisse looked this time. She raised an eyebrow then looked away too. As both girls stared at me, I felt my heart twist and sputter. Neither of them looked back for the rest of lunch.

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