Chapter Five

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I woke up with a fright. More nightmares. I had been having them all week. Nightmares starring two sexy girls who drained humans of their blood. I was almost relieved it was Monday. It meant school, homework and typical high school dramas.

Monday brought with it sunshine. It was a nice change from all the rain and cloud cover, even if the sun wasn't exactly bright. The thing is... At lunch, I noticed the Hayes sisters weren't there. Nor were they there Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. But on Friday, the rain came again and the sunshine was over before any of us could have truly had a chance to enjoy it.

"At least it was fun while it lasted." Emily sighed as she pulled out her umbrella. We had just finished English together and was now on our way to lunch. I ducked under Emily's umbrella and we walked together.

"How are you liking Macbeth?" I asked her. Emily rolled her eyes at me.

"It's a hell of a lot better than Romeo and Juliet in my opinion. But Shakespeare's works kill me. I wish we could just use the new English version. But nope, why should teachers make our lives easier? And when are we ever going to use the old English version in real life?" Emily continued to complain as we got to the cafeteria and bought food. I picked a pasta pot this time and we sat down at the usual table. We were one of the first there as English had finished five minutes early. I scanned the cafeteria in my usual absent-minded manner. As I caught sight of the pale, beautiful Hayes girls, my heart sunk. Well sh-

"Kylo, you need to sit in on a practice. I'm surprised you didn't join us last week." Randy said in his usual loud voice as he took his seat.

"I had to do my homework..." I muttered. It was a lame excuse but it was all I could think of. Randy could not know I was having suspicions about the two Hayes girls being... vampires. Especially not with his cousin.

"Well, tonight is another practice. Are you coming?"

"Sure. Why not?" Randy beamed.

"Awesome. We might even persuade Coach to let you practice with us!"

"That would be cool." I smiled and let my mind wander away to actually getting the chance to play again. It had seemed ages though it couldn't have been any more than a few weeks. As I joined in the banter of the table, I noticed the Hayes sisters watching me again and whispering to each other. I tried to ignore it, tried to not think that dreaded word.

After class, I went to the back of the school. This was where all sports took place. In one corner of the field were the cheerleaders. They were practising in their uniforms and it ever so slightly took my breath away. The Michigan Phoenix High School prided themselves on Michigan's football, baseball and cheerleading teams. The Michigan Phoenixes were the pride and joy. Their green and silver were their colours. The cheerleaders were currently in the green and silver, doing pyramids and spins. They were quite good but I could feel my drop ever so slightly. Not only that but it was weird to see the girls I sat next to at lunch, wearing this uniform. Not all of them. Mia was into baseball, she was on their baseball team. Just Haven and Lillian. Lillian was the cheer captain. She led the routine and then watched the other girls, instructing where needed. No wonder why guys liked her so much. Maybe she was a secret Hayes girl too. But even the Hayes outshone this girl. Only Lillian was a hell of a lot more approachable.

On the field, the guys were in two teams. Offensive and defence. They were all wearing the same kit, green shorts, white tops with green phoenix and numbers on the back. However, the defence was wearing blue sweatbands on their foreheads. I quickly picked out Randy on the field, his whole face concentrated in the game and shouting to his teammates.

"Hey, Kylo! Over here." Emily was on the bleachers. She waved over to me and I joined her.

"Hey. Don't you do cheerleading too?" Emily smiled.

"Honestly... I'm more of a band geek. I play cello, violin and piano."

"No kidding! Really?" Emily blushed.

"Yeah... I think if it wasn't for Randy being the... IT guy... I would be an outcast. I don't think the other girls like me so much. I'm close with Mia then any of the others if I'm honest. As for the guys..." Emily broke off. I took her in. She had her notebook and pen in front of her and had written a couple of paragraphs for French. She looked at the field as I watched her. I brushed a piece of her hair back over her ear.

"Some guys just don't see what they've got right under their noses," I then smiled and laughed softly. "And most guys are absolutely terrified of dating the quarterback's cousin." Emily smiled.

"Yeah, I gathered that."

We were both quiet for a moment. Emily scribbled a couple more sentences down while I watched the game. They were currently discussing tactics in the middle of the field in one huddle.

"Has there been any more progress?" Emily whispered. I shook my head, not moving my eyes off the field.

"No. Nothing. But the days off was a reason to be suspicious. They were back in class today."

"I noticed." Emily murmured. Before either of us could say any more on the subject, Randy called up.

"YO ALEXANDER!" I looked down to where Randy was on the field, coming towards the bleachers. "Want to prove your worth?!" I smiled and stood up.

 "Go get 'em, tiger." Emily said softly. I laughed and went to join them. 

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