Chapter Fifteen

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I rolled over in bed and hit something solid. A hand reached out to steady me. I opened my eyes to see Cordelio watching me.

"Sleep well?"

"Yes." I murmured. She nuzzled into me then kissed my cheek.

"I need to go meet Analisse. You're to stay here. Okay?"

"Yes." She kissed my lips.

"Stay away from the school. Ignore any calls or messages from your friends and classmates. If your family calls, you respond normally but you will tell them nothing about me. Okay?"

"Yes." She kissed me once more and got out of bed. She dressed with a speed that was not human. She then cast a wistful glance at me and left.

I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head. A quick glance at the clock on my bedside told me that it was nine in the morning. I closed my eyes.

Cordelio... A beautiful curvaceous woman who was mind-blowing. Life was good. I wished she could stay with me forever and ever.

I got dressed in sweats and a shirt. There was not much point in getting dressed to impress, I wasn't sure when Cordelio would be back.

The day was a bit boring. I ate, I answered a call from my Mom and ignored the calls from both Randy and Emily, I read a few chapters of my book and browsed the internet. At four, the doorbell rang. I didn't understand why Cordelio would ring the doorbell when the door was unlocked. I went to the door and opened it with a smile. My smile slipped off my face when I saw who was standing there.

"Kylo. We need to talk." Emily. She was standing outside with her arms folded across her chest and a stubborn frown on her face. The ice in my heart seemed to melt again. But I still folded my own arms across my chest.


"Was you expecting Analisse? Or is it Cordelio?"

"Both," I said with a slight growl. Hurt flashed in her eyes but it was gone as quick as it had come. Instead, she scoffed.

"Would never have taken you for the sexy, slutty girl type of guy." I gritted my teeth.

"Neither of them are sluts." Emily laughed without humour.

"Oh please Kylo! Stop fooling yourself. You know exactly what those two girls are. You're just choosing to ignore it."

"And what's that? Because when they're fucking me, all I care about is two girls who are smoking hot, who look gorgeous and care about me." Emily shook her head, smiling sadly.

"You're a fool, Kylo. Those girls are succubi."


"A succubus. An attractive female vampire who seduces mortal men. You know and I know it. Those girls will either bite you, kill you or leave you one day."

"And what makes you so sure?"

 "Because that's what they do. You know this Kylo. You've seen it for yourself what they do. Who they are. But I've tried," Emily threw up her hands in exasperation. "At least I did that much. But I can't stick around to watch you get hurt. Because I love you. At least I thought I did. But I can't do this anymore. Goodbye Kylo." Emily walked away and that ice in my heart seemed to stab me and twist. Watching Emily so sad hurt more than anything. But what was worse was knowing that she loved me... Because I had loved her too. But I had hurt her so much. She was far better off without me. The ice seemed to melt as I realised that I truly did love Emily.

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