a peaceful dream into horror

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Her eyes felt heavy as she continued reading. The soft pitter patter of rain on her window lulling her to a deep slumber. When she opened her eyes she found herself to be in a forest were the trees stood tall and proud. A soft melody played somewhere nearby. The peaceful sounds of a stream. The sounds of leaves swaying.

Suddenly the soft melody changed into something dark and menacing. The once proud trees had fallen and withered. The leaves turning gray. The smell of decay and rot filling her nose. Her eyes formed tears and she turned to see the ones she loves strung to trees as if the were dolls. Dolls merely there for decoration. Their faces, as if sewn with blood red thread. Muffled screams coming from the hollow husks, as if in agony. Tears run down her cheeks and stain the ground. Her vision clouding, pain shoots through her body and she is pinned to a tree.  A voice in her ear Softly states.

Never to leave, but to forever stay. You are mine always and forever.

The cold laugh rings through the dark forest, to forever haunt her and her final resting place is on that tree, never to leave.

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