the skin demon

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Hey! I know i've been gone for a while but i am still writing stories! I worked really hard on this one and i hope you like it!

MURDER, GRAPHIC DETAIL, BLOOD AND GORE, viewer discretion is advised


   the day was bleak and grey in the small town he lived in, the sun being blocked by the dark clouds that threatened to drench him as we walked on the sidewalk leading to his destination. the wind did not seem to cease blowing his hoodie close to his body. the sound of traffic filled the air along with the sound of voices that shouted with delight. he scowled at the sounds,all he wanted was peace and quite and the noises where no help. walking faster he could see the glow of the streetlights begining to illuminate the streets as the dark clouds turned to shades of oranges, blues, and magentas. The noises only seemed to grow louder and he walked on. His head starting to pound he walked faster. taking a sharp left  turn on Rosemary Ave. and Louis St. and walking a few more blocks to Central Ave. before arriving at a tall run down building, it's tan paint chipping and flaking from years of no touch ups. most of the windows were broken while others were dirty and cracked.  the wooden frames were splintering and some were missing whole sides allowing air to flow freely into the building, giving it a freaky feeling.

            looking around and stepping into the dark alleyway that was right beside the rundown shack, he waited for some people to pass before sneaking into the building. As he enters the doorway and looks up he observes the decaying wood that made up the ceiling and the water that drips from it. He slowly, after closing the door, creeps to a door in the back of the cold room, it's knob was rusty and was barely holding together, the door had smear marks that had turned brown over time. the hand prints that adorned the chipping white door gave him chills, slightly panting he reaches for the knob and turns it, hearing the screeching that came from the rusty hinges, he walks down the creaky stairs while whistling a short tune and smiling as he steps off the last step. a yelp gets his attention, it came from a the darkest corner of the room that was not lit by the lone bulb that hung from the concrete ceiling. walking toward the whimpering lump that was curled up into a ball in the corner.

             "hello there darling, are you ready for our little play date? don't worry i won't hurt you that badly." he laughs as the whimpers turn to cries for help. he looks around the room and spots the toy he was looking for, a large butcher's knife, it was covered in dried blood that was flaking away from lack of use. Giggling like a child he walks along the side of the room, tracing the scratch marks with his toy, toward the crying figure in the corner. the smell of rot and iron made him shake with glee, a quaking breathe came from his lips as he began to shake with anticipation. his smile became wider and more sadistic and his eyes were filled with hunger as he reached for the screaming form. it struggled and squealed like an animal, only for its shoulder to be pinned to the wall with the large knife, its screams of pain caused him to jerk back in ecstacy as his breathes began to quicken. he looks down at the bruised body of the thing in front of him, smiling he reaches down and strokes its cut riddled face and observed his masterpiece that took him months to create, it struggled to rid itself from his grasp, only for him to squeeze its jaw, earning a cry from the creature. it gave him joy and yet, he was getting bored of the art piece and wanted a new canvas, it was time to get a bit messy, who doesn't love a little mess once in a while.

              he leans down to speak into the figures ear. Its breathe hitches as his hand landed on the creature's neck. "i lied, this will hurt, really, really bad hehehe..HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!" He began twisting the knife while pushing further into its shoulder and hearing a pop along with a strained cry from his victim before pulling it out completely. He observes the scars that adorned the creature's skin before pressing the knife to the middle of the creature's chest and skinning the poor thing till he had a full skin suit, but don't worry, he made sure to do it nice and slow, just to hear its screams. his knees where wet with the red liquid that pooled at the bottom of the figure's feet. The smell pushing him closer to the edge. he grabs its arms, while observing the muscles and ligaments as the creature moved. his smile turned to a almost demonic grin as he slowly sliced into the veins and arteries. The sounds were pushing him further and he reels his head back, popping it, before slicing its neck with one flued movement of his arm. he was breathing heavier than before as he felt himself finally fall over the edge, hacking and slicing before getting up and backing away from the pulsating figure. Shaking from the adrenaline that coerced through his veins he shuffled his way to the figure, hovering over the pulsating mass.

        It's strange how he got here, how he found himself looking at the mass in front of him. the gasps and gurgling sounds coming from the lump of muscle, bones,and organs made him weak. He loved it and he wanted more, yet it was over, he went too far and had too much fun, the gasps stopped. And so did the movements of the mass, smiling sadly he makes his way to the bottom of the stairs, not before taking a hand full of blood, and walks up the steps of the basement. He opens the door and looks around, making sure the cost was clear, he turns to the wall and leaves a message for the cops to read, just above the door, he smiled at his penmanship before walking to the back door. Looking around once more before leaving, disappearing into the pitch black alleyway and into the night.

        the investigation went cold not too long after the police found the body of 17 year old Alexis mark. She was severely mutilated, Autopsy shows she died from blood loss, there were multiple lacerations that were proven to be what caused the blood loss and it seems she was skinned before receiving the lacerations. The weapon used was a 10 inch butcher's knife. it also seems she was tortured for the few months she was missing, due to the scaring on the fillet skin suit that was found next to the corpse. The police had no leads, it was like everything was scrubbed clean. When they walked into the building, after complaints of a foul oder coming from the run down shack and relentless orders from the higher ups, they went begrudgingly. they were faced with the smell of rot and iron that hit them in the face right as they stepped into the doorway, some of the officers had to run out of the building to hurl whatever they had for lunch just 45 minutes before. the next thing they noticed was the note on the wall, just above the door that was covered in the dried iron smelling liquid. the note read, " THERE IS MORE." although the letters had dried it was clear that the they were touched up after the murder was performed. that statement, there was more, yet they had no leads and no way of finding the other victims, no way of saving them. It's sick what that monster did to her and they did not know how many were left to find.

          it's  a cruel world, it houses so much evil and yet we are blinded by the joys of our everyday lives, or how boring it actually is, either way, we do not see the evil that is so close to us. who knows, you could be the next victim to the skin demon.


Love you stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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