the voice in the static

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(Trigger warning to all of you who are sensitive to self harm and depression.)


At night I refuse to sleep without noise. The silence is the one thing i am afraid of. That static sound that rings in your ears, the chills that it causes. When i sit in silence, it's like the static talks to me. As if telling me to stay, and yet I refuse.

One night I found myself sad, alone and too tired to move. I couldn't even grab my phone to turn on music or play some sort of sound to keep the voices quiet. My heart began to race as tbe sound of static crept up on me. It engulfed me in it's dark aura. The voice spoke.

"YoU wIlL nEvEr Be Of UsE tO tHiS wOrLd." I shivered as the room became cold. "NoThInG oF uSe, OnLy A sPeCk Of DiRt, AnD nOtHiNg MoRe ThAn ThAt." My hands start to shake as i continue to listen, unable to turn away. Tears start to form in my eyes as my chest heaves for air. My hand slowly and shakily reach for the razor next to my lamp. I shakily raise it to my wrist, but stop. I think of my loved ones and how the sadness would spread to them.

"Do It. Do It. EnD iT aLl. ThEy WoNt MiSs YoU. THeYlL bE gLaD yOuRe GoNe." The thought of them hurting because of me is what convinced me to put tbe razor down and face the voice. The demon.

The voice in the static.

I just wanted to say that if you are struggling with arent alone. J struggle with it too. Suicide is not the answer, for it brings more pain than relief.  Know you are loved.

((Art is mine. Stories may contain drawings In the future))

Goodbye loves.

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