Millwyn - Gifts

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Bronwyn's P.O.V.

"Wyn, come play dolls with us!" Claire came running down the hallway, a panting Olive right behind her. I giggled at the girls and patted Claire on her head, her blond curls bouncing up and down as I did. They looked up at me with wide eyes. Damn, sometimes being their mother figure did have its ups and downs.

"Alright, I guess," I sighed in defeat. How could I say no to them and their adorableness? Olive grabbed my hands and shone her cute little smile, as well as Claire. They dragged me upstairs to their shared room, my eyes blinded by their bright pink wallpaper. Dolls were thrown around the room, their beds unmade, and toys spilling out of their tiny closet. I chuckled under my breath; even though Claire and Olive had lived here for several decades, they never seemed to mature.

"You can be this one!" Olive said and thrusted a baby doll that was now missing an arm into my hand. They really did need some new toys, but for now I had to endure the pains of playing with children. I didn't mind it much, but when they ask you literally every single day, it does get quite boring.

"Thank you, Olive," I said cheerfully and began to play with the other dolls.

"Bronwyn?" called a voice from the hallway. It must be Millard.

"In here!" I called back and set the dolls down, standing up and straightening my overalls. The door creaked open to reveal Millard with a small bag in his hand.

"I got something for you, and this is for the girls," he says and hands the bag to Claire and Olive. They looked curiously in the bag before their faces instantly lit up.

"Millard, you didn't!" Olive picked up a little doll in a light blue dress with short, blonde hair. They ran over to him and buried him in a hug. He laughed and hugged them back before explaining himself.

"We had a game of Raid the Village, I just thought I would get you both something." I could tell he was smiling. "Bronwyn, c'mere," he said suspiciously, but I giggled and followed him up to his room.

"That was nice of you, Millard, but you didn't have to get me anything," I said bashfully. On his desk sat a small black case, with a handle and two silver clasps.

"I know, but I found this and I thought you would like it since your old one is broken." I gently opened the case, and inside was a golden brass trumpet with marble valve tops. It was absolutely gorgeous!

"Millard! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I wrapped my hands around him and gave him the biggest hug, releasing when I heard him groaning. "Sorry," I giggled. My last trumpet had been broke when Enoch had a fit because I had accidentally crushed one of his homunculus. Victor and I haven't been able to play for two years, I was so happy I could kiss Millard. So, I did. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked down at the floor, and I could tell he was all flustered. I giggled and took the trumpet out of its case. It was so shiny, practically new! The fingers fit perfectly on the marble valves.

"Play something, Wyn!" I blushed and shook my head. I haven't played something for a while, especially in front of someone. "Pleeeeaaase? For me?" I could just hear his puppy dog face staring down at me. I rolled my eyes and gave in, but what should I play? I don't remember any songs. Well, except for one, but it is pretty easy and short. I played it anyway, messing up once or twice.

"I guess I don't remember it as much as I thought I did," I laughed and shrugged it off, but I felt incredibly embarrassed and he could most likely tell.

"I've heard you play in your room, you're really good!" He reassured me. I was so thankful, I hugged him again, but gentler now.

"Thank you so much, Millard," I said again. He smiled and scratched the back of his neck, as he always does when he's nervous or embarrassed. It was kind of adorable.

"It's nothing, really. Hey Bronwyn?" I looked up to where his eyes were and raised and eyebrow, fiddling with the keys on my new instrument.

"What is it, Mi-" he cut me off with a soft kiss and brought his hands up to my face. I nearly dropped my trumpet, I was so shocked. He pulled back and looked at me as if I held all of the answers to the universe. It was a different feeling, but it was amazing, like one hundred butterflies were living in my stomach. The kiss was too short, so I placed my lips on his, and I wrapped my hands around his waist. We were smiling through the whole embrace, but it ended to quickly. The door flung open, Victor shooting Millard daggers with his eyes.

"You are so dead."

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