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Date: July 22, 2018
Time: 8:27pm

Hello, hello. How are you? If your good, cool. If not, I'm sorry and I hope it gets better.

I'm gonna start with a few things.I

Name: Hello, I am Blank! I contemplated about putting my real name and decided not to.

Gender: Girl, but I am a figment of your imagination. I can be a guy, girl, or a them. Whatever suits you. But in reality-- I'm just a girl behind a broken tablet screen screaming at my siblings. :')

Age: I am an age, I might reveal later. Although my birthday is the last day of this month. WoOp! wOop!

Sexuality: I don't really do relationships, but I am a touchy, clingy person. For the longest time, I thought I was asexual. But, turns out I am bisexual. 60/20/, though. I would rather have a boyfriend than a girlfriend. The last twenty is me not wanting a relationship.

Random: I am a very accepting person and I am very nice. I have a brother and four sisters. I'm clingy. I like -- wait. Correction -- I love to help people. I kinda want to be a therapist, other than I am awkward. I talk way too much. Plus, I go too therapy and it's too much. My mom and my dad are not together anymore, and if I am not online, I am either at my mom's or cleaning, babysitting, dying EcT.

A few personal things: I have/had depression and I kinda don't do well around adults. I am better with kids my age. I am also always bipolar. I don't know why, but I will be fine one moment then crying or mad another. I am very clingy ( as said ) because I know what it is like to be lonely. I am very happy around people. I am very bubbly around people. That's because I know what it feels like to be sad and I want other people to laugh as well. I want everyone to feel wanted!

Anyways, I do rant a lot, but I have promised to tell someone other than her my problems, so, why not strangers that don't care?

-- Me
Time: 8:50

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