Jake muller x Male reader (Highschool fluff)

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The photo above isnt mine, i just saved it on my phone because i love jake muller, anyways hope you enjoy.

Your P.O.V.

I was walking through hallways of the school, everyone just kept looking at me in awe because out of all of the students in the school i think i was the most responsible. I helped every club if they needed it, whenever someone didnt understand something i said i could tutor them and they always got an A+ when i did, everyone around me just saw me as their very own life saver throughout highschool and well i didnt mind, i loved helping other people, anyways i am getting ahead of myself.

My name is (Y/N) and im 15 years old... First year of highschool and i plan to be a (DREAM JOB HERE) AND IM SO HYPED, but i cant concentrate sometimes... There is this boy that keeps taking my breath away, Jake Muller, also a first year and he is the most popular jock in the school!

He is just so....

"MR.(L/N)!!!!" The teacher yelled and pulled me back into reality.

"Huh? Oh sorry..." I quickly apologized as i felt my blood rush to my face.

"I will let it slide this once since you are very good at my class, but dont let it happen again!" The teacher said with a tone angrier than before.

"Y-yes Professor..." I quickly said and out of nervousness i caught him staring at me... Jake muller was staring at me but he quickly realized i noticed him and turned around. "Was he blushing just now?" i thought to myself, maybe it was just my imagination so i sighed and went back to paying attention and writing down notes.

The school bell rang signaling all of the students that they could go home, i grabbed my books from my desk but accidentally tripped with one of the desks almost immediately and fell face first, luckily there was no one around... Saved by the bell... Literally!

I picked myself up and slowly began to pick up my stuff until...

"Here let me help you" a voice said, i turned around and my eyes went wide as i saw jake muller... THE JAKE MULLER help me with my stuff! I blushed and just continued picking my stuff faster, he handed me the rest of my stuff, just a few pens and some books i like to read.

"Th-thank you..." I couldnt exactly say anything else and i cringed inwardly as my voice cracked as a blush spread through my cheeks.

"No problem" he put his hands in the pockets of his jacket but as he was about to leave he turned around and said "Hey... Are... You seing anyone?" My face got even redder (if that is even possible) and i immediately dropped my things again... Im gonna die of embarassment here brain! WORK WITH ME!!

"U-uhhh... No... Alot of guys are good looking but none actually caught my attention..." I said "well except you..." I whispered that last bit to myself.

I saw him smirk at me and that immediately made me realize... I only came out to my parents... I think im ready to die now since i just came out to my crush for some dumb reason and the possibility that he probably heard me.

"Well if you aren't seeing anyone, would you mind if i took you out on a date?" He said, my heart just felt like it skipped a beat and i felt myself shake with happiness and the butterflies in my stomach just made every single part of my body tingle.

"I-i... Don't mind... When would you pick me up?" I swear voice... Please dont crack on me now! Not infront of him atleast!

"I'll pick you up at seven" so cliché...

"Cool! I will see you until then" i gave him a smile and somehow that made him blush... Gosh he is just so dreamy...

"Well can i atleast walk you home?" He said while wrapping his arm around my waist... Dont faint dont faint dont faint...

"Y-yeah if you want to..." I said and we both began to walk at a slowly pace, in my mind i was making a victory dance and squealing on the inside as we walked to my house, as i was saying goodbye he quickly turned me aeound and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"See you at seven" im never washing my face again...

"Alright, see you until then" i said as i went inside my house and closed the door, i ran to my room, hugged my pillow and began to jump around and squeal out of happiness... I HAVE A DATE WITH JAKE MULLER!!!

I layed down on my bed and called my mom, explained to her what happened and she squealed along with me but when she came back from work she helped me get dressed and help me with my hair.


Me and my mom heard the doorbell ring and i got so excited i ran to it as fast as i could but i saw my father... My overprotective father... Oh no...

"You must be jake muller, where will you be taking my son tonight?" He said once he opened the door and saw him, i couldnt see his face but i new he was sending him a death glare.

"That's a surprise sir, i cant tell you or else it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." He said with a smile but once he saw me i swear his jaw was gonna drop to the floor and his eyes were gonna pop out of his skull.

"I'm ready, i'll be back by ten!" I said as i gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and walked over to jake, he placed his hand on my waist which immediately made my father give him another death glare, i felt like jake's head was gonna burst into flames with it.

He held the door open for me as i entered his car (What a gentleman) and he began to drive me to (INSERT DATE HERE), we had fun and there were alot of laughs included but then came the time to take me home... Damn and i was having so much fun.

He pulled up infront of my house and i was hesitant to leave, he immediately caught notice of this and said "Don't worry, i'll take you out again" he said with a smirk and that made my eyes sparkle but also a blush to appear on my face as i let out a smile.

"i would love that!" I said but as i opened the car door he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a sweet and tender kiss, my eyes widened but short after i melted into it, we both pulled back and we were both a blushing mess, i kissed him on the cheek and closed the door running up to my house, i waved goodbye before he left and i could see he waved back, i opened the door and walked in but as soon as i closed it i jumped around again like a fangirl and squealing, i went to bed soon after but then i remembered... SHOOT I DIDNT GIVE HIM MY NUMBER... Oh well i can give it to him tomorrow... On to dream with jake i go!!!


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