Christopher Black pt. 3

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Your P.O.V.

I felt myself.... floating. A vast void of emptiness, painted with black. It didn't feel threatening, in fact it felt rather soothing and comforting, a similar warmth that used to help me through my darkest hours.

"This feels... familiar." I tried to open my eyes, but i felt like i shouldn't do so or it would ruin it completely, remaining blind to mysterious feeling that comforted me as i felt a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Everything will be alright."

I slowly woke up, rising from my bed and looking around my room as i grabbed Emily's necklace that hung around my neck. I felt a familiar warmth envelop me and embrace me, a few tears spilling from my eyes as i began to feel it disappear.

"Emily..." I whispered, slowly opening my eyes to see the morning light spilling through my windows. Gently sitting up and looking around my room i spot a familiar redhead on the single couch in my room, taking a small nap with a bag beside her legs. I rubbed my eyes and got a closer look, realizing it was my sister.

"Alice!" I shouted, waking her up and causing her to jump from her seat as smile grew on her face, enveloping me in a tight hug as she proceeded to tell me how much she missed me.

"You fucking slut!"

"I missed you, too, Alice."

We both let out a laugh as we separated from the hug, grabbing her bag and setting it on my bed. I was about to ask her how she got in until Christopher interrupted us as he walked into my room, carrying a tray with some toast and some coffee cups.

"Thought i'd get this cutie some breakfast."

I felt myself become embarrassed as i looked away, feeling Alice's stare on the back of my neck as i heard her thank Christopher for our breakfast. Leaving us alone and Alice catching my attention with an "ahem".


"What do you mean with 'WhAt'? When were you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?"

I took a deep breath and explained the situation to her, every little detail as she just listened while taking small nibbles from the toast, her eyes widening until i reached the part about Emily. She dusted her hands from any crumbs and pulled me into a hug, feeling the heartbreak swell up again as i felt the tears on my eyes.

"I know how special Emily was to you. Hell, she felt like another sister for me. But i want you to remember that Emily wouldn't have wanted you to end up like this, even if she knew that her death would hurt you this much."

I nodded in agreement as I pulled myself away and wiped away the tears, letting a gentle smile rest on my face.

"Well, we should start getting ready!"

"Ready? For what?"

"I have a special gift for you and you're not saying no, so we have to start packing up your things."


Alice and I finally arrived to where she wanted to take me... a cabin in the woods.
She looked at me with a smile and I returned a small one towards her, Christopher opening the door from the backseats and coming up to me, hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek.

I felt a warm feeling in my chest and knew that I couldn't contain it. I gently placed my hand against his cheek and pulled him into a small kiss, but he clearly had to make it last longer than it should have.

This man... pulls me in for some reason.
I don't know what it is, but it feels as if I had no control when it came to him. Almost as if...

"Ahem..." Alice interrupted us and I looked at her with wide eyes, then slowly averting my gaze as a huge blush crept upon my cheeks, hiding in Christopher's chest.

"As much as I would love to not interrupt the two of you, I believe having a room all to yourselves would suit you much better, don't you think?" Alice remarked and began pulling out the bags from the trunk of her car, handing Christopher his bags and giving him the key.

"You go ahead and open the door for us, Christopher." Alice beamed as aimed to the door ahead, surrounded by beautiful windows.

Christopher walked ahead and, until he wasn't within earshot anymore, Alice began to speak.

"Hey... your boyfriend gave me the biggest stink eye I have ever gotten. Is he mean to you in anyway? Explosive?"

My smile faded and I furrowed my brow in confusion, tilting my head as I recalled all the times I've spent with Christopher.

"Well... no, I guess he's just that possessive, but I find it rather cute. I just hope it doesn't become a problem later on..." I said as I bit my lip, looking at Christopher coming back quickly, his raven colored hair swaying and moving with the wind as I could feel my heart racing at the sight.

"Come on, come on. You'll get to eat your boyfriend once inside." She pushed me to the trunk of the car and started handing me my bags, Christopher helping me carry some back. It seemed like he was happy to just be around me, which I appreciated and longed for.


It was finally 7 and time for dinner, which Alice had prepared but I didn't really feel in the mood to eat. My appetite was lost and I felt nauseous at the idea of even eating a small nibble, but I knew I had to hold it down or else Alice would just worry and think I'm sick.

The feeling of sadness and loss kept haunting me as I glanced across my room, my eyes stopping on the mirror as my eyes widened in horror at the sight.


To be continued....

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