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My name is Arleen Beau, and at this very moment, I am screaming my head off at my boyfriend, cory green.

"What do you mean: you're moving to Europe?!" I screamed at my boyfriend who was calmly sitting in his desk chair.

"I'm moving to Spain to go to school. I got the letter back last Friday." He explained.

"Last Friday!" My eyes widened in rage.

"Yeah.." He said as he looked down at the letter.

"And you didn't tell me!"

"I didn't know how to.. I was afraid of your reaction."

"Well I hope you're happy with the one you got!" I paused as I turned to leave, "why didn't you tell me. I would have been happy."

I then stormed out of his room and slammed his door. I then ran to the curb.

"Dammit!" I yelled, "Why does my stupid car have to be towed!"

I then pulled out my phone and called a friend from school.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey! I need you to pick me up, can you?" I asked as I walked further away from my boyfriends house.

"Yeah sure, where are you?" He asked, as he did so, I heard him grab his keys and then a door slam.

"I'm at the little cafe on iris street." I said.

"By Ryan?" He asked.

"Yeah," I paused. "Hey if you're too far away, you don't have to. I can find my way home."

"Nah! It'd be a pleasure to bring my lady home." He said, I could just hear the smile in his voice.

He got there about 15 mins later.

"Were you trying to make me a popsicle?" I asked.

"Why, what ever do you mean?" He said marking his already pretty prominent county accent even more so.

"I know you were only like 5 mins away!" I squinted at him.

He began to laugh, which as always was pretty contagious.

"Come on, let's get you home!" He smiled.

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