Chapter 5: the 43

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The guys all looked at me in surprise.

"What the hell happened in there?" Spiro asked.

"Yeah what happened to no lies?" Adler frowned.

"I just-" I was cut off by Juls.

"I know that's hard. I understand why you didn't tell us. But why show it to your dad before you tell us?" Juls asked as his eyes too began to change color.

"Yeah." J.C. Smiled sadly. "Also, what even does this mean?"

"It means that.." I paused, not knowing how to proceed," Juls?"

"It means that we're part of the 43 babies that were taken and changed." Juls said in a mono tone voice.

"But I thought that everyone who'd been taken had been killed." Spiro said.

"Well, they tried. What do you think her father was doing when he burnt down the house?" Juls explained.

"Damn.. He was one of the conveyors." Adler said, "I'd completely forgotten about that."

"That's why he wasn't taken into custody. They couldn't in-prisoned him for doing his job." I breathed.

"Yeah.. well who ever was involved should have been in-prisoned." J.C. Sighed.

"No kidding." I rolled my eyes.

"Does your mother know?" Juls asked.

"No. To be honest I wasn't sure until that moment." I admitted.

"Ok then." Juls said as he pulled me closer to him. I snuggled my face into his shoulder as he wrapped his long arm around me.

"How do I control it?" I asked.

"We'll have to see what it did to you first." He said simply, "for example, for me, I have to make sure I don't get too angry. I have to keep a close watch in my heart rate and emotions. Or I just might fry everyone in a 10 mile radius."

"Oh, sounds fun." I furrowed my brows.

Ok so back story: the 43 were a failed experiment from the early 1900's and ever since then there have been 43 babies born with unnatural powers with unnatural eyes to match. I just happened to be one. My fathers family swore to kill any of the 43 that showed up. My mother's sister was killed when she was found out. At my parents wedding. When I was born my eyes seemed normal so they didn't run the tests. After about a year my eyes began to change and my brother didn't let my father see. Not that he was ever home to even see me. So yeah. I'm a part of the 43 and Juls is too. But now I have to face the facts and see if Juls can help me with my new found powers. Well not new found. Just new accepted.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"But I got used to it. I found my anchor to my calm. Now you need to find one. Unless you already have. I mean you've made it 17 years with no problem." He smiled.

"Yeah, well I'll tell you later. But for now, I need to go home and be with my mom." I smiled sadly, "See you guys Monday. Remember to meat me outside my house as 7:45."

"Hey where's Corey?" Spiro asked.

"We're not speaking right now. I broke up with him because he lied to me." I said simply.

"Oh, sorry for asking." Spiro sad as he hugged me goodbye. As did the other guys.

"Ok, now I'm leaving. Bye guys. Love you." I said as I got out of the truck and walking into my house.

"Love you too!" They all yelled.

I shut the door behind me, smiling. Yet sad. I knew something was missing.
It was Arlow.

He would always sit in the chair we have in the living room and

I miss him so much. Man, I never thought he'd go out before I would. We always joked about me going out first. With all my stupid stunts and crazy ideas.. that have actually almost gotten us all killed.

But hey! You win some you loose some am I right?

Man I miss him. And that's when I broke down. I couldn't take being strong anymore. I broke down. I fell to my knees and cried I didn't care what it looked like or sounded like. I want my brother back. I would give my life to have him here. Why couldn't it have been me? I don't deserve to be here. But he did nothing wrong. He deserves to be here. Not me.

"Hey.. ar?" I head a voice say as a hand wrapped itself around my shoulders. Stripping me away from the thoughts.

I looked up to see jc looking down at me, concerned.

"Hey." I said with a sad smile.

"How're you doing?" He asked softly as he pulled me into a hug.

"I miss him. I miss him so much." I cried into his chest.

"We all do. Trust me." I said as he rested his head on mine. Moving his hand up and down my back softly.

We sat there in complete silence for a long while. And by long I mean, I fell asleep.



Hey guys! I'm sorry it took so long to post, I've just started a new school, and people are frustrating.

Thank you for your patience.

So what do you guys think?! And believe it or not I actually cried while writing this. Man never fun when you kill off someone. But trust me.. it'll be worth it later.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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