Not Tonight ✰ LJ [16]

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Type: Fluff - Side note: Lauren's outfit above. Also, ignore Ty. Lmao, he ain't in the imagine. Don't worry about him. :)

The black SUV was packed with the group friends you share with Lauren. She leaned on your side considering you had the seat closest to the window and two friends scrunched beside her as well. You didn't mind, you loved being close to Lauren. There was always so much intimacy shared between the two of you, except for the last seven months, you both have had to hide it from the public.

No, it's not management, it's not Lauren's publicist or yours, it was simply the anxiety both of you had over going public on the relationship. You've been way so nervous to say anything in fear it would ruin the romance you share with Lauren, which was something she feared too.

Not tonight, though.

After she and you were fed up with the petty fear you both had, tonight you were about to make your whole entire romance completely out to the public. Waiting so long and finding the perfect time, which was after the release of your third album and the release of Lauren's bandmates' second album, you two were going to be yourselves in a place you couldn't. The club, or just the public in general.

The only people aware of your relationship was with each other's families, and of course, the group of friends you shared. No one except the two of you knew you were debuting the other tonight. No matter where you are with Lauren sometime in the night, there's going to be phones out and cameras everywhere because of who she and you are. People including your fans and hers are going to get a surprise either they expected or they didn't.

Everyone has shipped you with Lauren since the two of you met and that was also the first time you were photographed together. Some caught the chemistry between the two of you three years ago and it only started until seven months ago. You grew as friends, best friends, and two best friends who grew feelings the other couldn't comprehend.

Although you were nervous about tonight, Lauren seemed pretty chill but she was notorious for hiding emotions that she thinks that might make her look 'weak' or 'vulnerable'. She wasn't afraid to be vulnerable around you, just the group of friends give her a hard time because she acts as some badass. But you knew and she knew, she was a cute little goofball at heart.

The night was still young despite the dark sky and the cold wind. Your friends were joking around, not paying to you and Lauren any attention. Your eyes have been looking outside the window for the past 15 minutes, your girlfriend noticed rather quickly. She laid a hand on your thigh, which usually, that would earn your attention but nothing. You didn't even notice.

Your head leaned up against the glass, your eyes roaming through the city you were passing through, Los Angeles. Tonight was the first night in about two months you were able to just chill and have a few drinks but all you wanted at this moment was to be home, laying in bed beside your girlfriend.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Lauren asked, lowering her voice so she didn't catch the attention of the others in the car. She rested her chin on your shoulder, her body snuggling more into your side. You turned your head, hearing the raspy voice from your girlfriend.

"Just tonight." You sighed, "What will everybody think?"

"Who cares? We're only doing this so we can stop sneaking around and be a couple out in the open. We're doing this for us, no one else. I personally don't give a fuck if anyone judges us and you shouldn't either." Lauren assured.

You cracked a smile, "Thanks, baby." you pressed your lips together to make sure your lipstick was dry before planting a kiss on Lauren's forehead. Her lips formed a wide smile, revealing that her heart was doing flips. The thought of publicly kissing you anytime, anywhere brought that one big smile to her face.

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