Heaven in Hiding / Angel On Fire (P. II) ✰ CC [19]

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Type: Complication - Song: 'Heaven in Hiding' and 'Angel On Fire' by Halsey

A lot of things can happen in a week — whether it's for the good or bad, the harmed or unharmed, a storm can occur faster than you can count. As of right now, your storm involved Camila, who you haven't spoken to in about nine days. After the heart-wrecking conversation you two had, you left the party without your friends and went home in an Uber. Meanwhile, Camila still attended the party, however, she was sitting on the balcony the whole night as she gathered each thought in her brain. But just like any other night, she left the event with Matthew.

That storm mentioned? Yeah, Camila created the whole situation with one tweet. One fucking tweet you never asked for. In fact, it was a tweet no one asked for! You're probably thinking, what's the harm in a tweet? She was most likely just being her cute self as always. Nope, turn it in the opposite direction and let the tweet speak for itself.

@camilacabello: I'm in love with a woman.

17 Feb 2018 - 12:54 PM

1,000,334 ❤ 578,045 🔃 700,035 ↪    

That tweet stirred a lot of unnecessary buzz in the media. It blew up to be her most liked tweet to date, every Pop culture tabloid was squealing about it, everyone around the world was stating their opinions online as if it even mattered, and likely enough, people were suspicious about how she was in love with a girl when the world knew she had a boyfriend.

The fake relationship was planned to have a sneaky set up so that every time she and Matthew stepped out in public together, it would drive the Internet insane. And with that, rumors were spread that Camila lied to the public, which was true, and the other rumor was that Camila was ashamed of her sexuality — which again, almost partially true.

Considering Camila wasn't scheduled to be on any tour or rush to any photoshoots, she had gone MIA. No one, including Matthew, knew where she was located. She could be in the middle of Africa for what anyone was oblivious, too. However, the only person in the world who was aware where Camila was happened to be you. She texted you earlier in the week, about 26 hours after she posted that tweet, claiming to be flying out to a friend's condo in Italy and if you wanted to hear her out, you could fly out with her. You had the chance to catch a flight Monday night at seven PM, but you declined the offer.

Although you were eager to listen to Camila when you knew she would be pouring her heart out to you, you couldn't bring yourself to look her in the eyes and give her the light of day to explain her angle toward the relationship — plus that dumb fuck of a tweet. The whole week, you stayed in New York. You continued working, you continued raging with your friends harder than ever to get your mind off Camila, you continued drinking heavily each night to numb the heartache.

You weren't proud of your actions, but it was the outlet that was accessible and reachable. It had come so easy for you to reach the wine bottle, you couldn't help but think that if Camila were to step in the room, you would feel the exact opposite approach. Only you would be the one hesitant to touch the Cuban after all this — correction, not hesitant, you simply don't feel the urge to when you've grown detached to each feeling in your body. It was like some circuits weren't clicking together, two magnets that could no longer sense the itch to connect to one another, not a single bone in your body was ready to rest in the arms of Camila. 

Each night of the week, you would set up parties at your apartment that would grow bigger with the capacity by each hour. Your friends knowing your hatred for parties and now you were turning into the life of one, they were aware of the bruise you were trying to heal with a band-aid. But you see, the band-aid must have been paper because it never completely stuck to you. It never fully fulfilled you, it just covered up the bruise enough to where it wasn't noticeable to most. 

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