Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! I haven't abandoned this story! I read all of your comments, you guys are so supportive! This chapter is kinda short and took way to long to write, but I hope you like it!


"So she wanted me to be released?" Josh asks as we pull into the hospital parking lot.

"Yeah, she made them promise that the charges against you would be dropped." I answer.

"But why would she do that? She could have gotten away with it."

"I don't know, man." I get out of the car and start walking towards the building. "I'm just glad you're back."

We enter the hospital and go to the front desk.

"We're here to see Zack Joseph." I tell the receptionist.

"4th floor. Room 408." She replies after typing something into a computer.

"Thank you." I say and we start walking to the elevator.

Once we're on the fourth floor, we find room 408 and open the door. A nurse is leaning over Zack, checking his bandages. Mom, Dad, Maddy, Jenna and Jay are occupying the chairs and small couch. I wait for the nurse to finish and leave before I go further into the room. Everyone gives Josh a warm greeting and then Mom fills me in on Zack's injury.

"They stitched the hole up and said that he lost a lot of blood, but he should be alright and only has stays overnight." She says, running her fingers through Zack's hair. "They gave him a sedative to help him sleep."

"Josh and I can't stay long. We have a show tomorrow night, and we have a lot of packing and planning to do." I say.

"We'll tell him you were here." Dad says.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys in a few weeks." I say and give Mom and Dad hugs. Maddy and Jenna come over and I hug them goodbye. Josh and I leave the room and take the elevator to the lobby, then go out to the car.


Back at the hotel, we start to pack up our things.

"Dude, you're socks are in my backpack." Josh throws my socks at me and laughs.

"I didn't have anywhere else to put them." I say innocently. "It's really good to have you back." I add in, more seriously.

"It's good to be back. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened that caused such a huge reaction." Josh glances at my wrist where the scar is.

"You haven't, um, you know, while I was gone. Have you?" He asks.

"No. I made you a promise and I intend to keep it. I threw out anything that could cause any damage." I say.

"Good." Josh mutters as he swings his backpack on. "You ready?"

"Yeah." I grab my suitcase and open the door.

Josh and I make our way down to the lobby to check out. I hand in the key and we leave.

Josh sleeps through most of the trip home. I keep the music low, so I don't wake him. I pull into a gas station and shake Josh's shoulder.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask him.

"No. I just need a bathroom break." He gets out of the car and stretches before going into the gas station.

I fill up the gas tank and sit in the car. A few minutes later, Josh comes out and climbs into the car. I drive off and continue the long journey.


When we finally get back to my house, I tell Josh he can spend the night here.

"Thanks. I can't wait to sleep in a real bed again. Or at least a couch." He says.

"You can use Zack's bed." I say.

We bring our bags inside and leave them by the door. I text Mark to come over with some food and sit down on the couch. Josh sits next to me and turns on the tv. We watch a wildlife documentary until Mark comes in.

"How was your trip?" He asks, setting bags from Taco Bell on the table.

"Uh, it was interesting." I say, glancing at Josh. "Did you get my text about Josh being in jail?"

"Yeah, but I thought you were kidding."

"I wasn't. He was released just before we left."

"So you were framed for killing a guy?" He asks Josh.

"Yup. The dude beat up Tyler and then the dude's girlfriend killed him and said I did." Josh says.

"She held Zack, Jenna and me hostage until she was granted a smaller sentence."

"Geez, she sounds fun." Mark says.

"She was insane. A few times a understood why she had to do it, but she wasn't stable. And then she shot Zack." I say.


"Yeah, he's okay, though. The bullet got him in the shoulder. He'll be in the hospital until tomorrow." I tell Mark.

"You guys must be tired." He says.

"I am. Josh slept a lot in the car. I think we're both just really hungry right now." I say.

I take a taco out of the bag and sit at the table. Josh and Mark sit down with their food. They discuss the upcoming tour and the different cities.

"Which is first on the list?" Mark asks.

"I think Nashville is." I say.

I finish my food and go back to the couch. The tv is still on, so I lay down and watch how lions hunt their prey. My eyes burn from being awake for almost two days straight, and while the antelope on tv is being ripped apart, I doze off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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