Chapter 4

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~Magical Time Skip~

First Day of School

(Soo Yun's Point of View)

   I glanced at my clock that was sitting complacently on my bed side table. The original black color was now very much concealed with the stickers and decals I've collected over the years, and the actual screen that displayed the time is barely visible. However, my clock is unmistakably revealing the time to be 2:18.

Hold on. Two - eighteen as in like two in the morning? Like the morning as in March 5, the first day of school?! HOW IS IT ALREADY TWO - EIGHTEEN?!

   The majority of my clothes were sprawled out on the floor. The root of this mess was me, of course. My moronic and unprepared self decided to pick my 'first day of school' outfit literally the night before the first day of school. Now, I had unwittingly, for hours, been trying to coordinate some blouses with skirts, jeans with sweaters, tights with hoodies, and all that junk to try to make a decent first impression. I started this chaos after dinner with Chan Mi at about seven in the evening; she contributed in giving me advice and her guidance for a couple hours, but she went to bed at 10:30 so that she could have her beauty rest. Sadly, this left me alone for the remainder of my agony and suffering.

   Now, I am utterly exhausted and am also rethinking my whole life existence. I heaved a sigh of misery just loud enough for my satisfaction but low enough that it won't disturb Chan Mi.

   While my back was pressed against the side of my bed, I reclined my neck on the edge of the mattress. I rubbed my eyes and massaged my temples as an attempt to regain a peace of mind. However, I was brought back to reality when I heard some movement coming from my roommate.

   Chan Mi suddenly turned her body to face me. There was no way of telling whether or not she's awake, but I was caught off guard when she threw one of her pillows at me.

   "Go to sleep," she said in a groggy voice. I still want to find my outfit. I frowned.

   "I'll buy you a churro tomorrow." Gosh darn it, she knows my weakness. (╥﹏╥)

   "Fine, but for your information, that tomorrow is today." Though I know she can't see it, I gave her a cheeky smile nonetheless. She threw another pillow at me.

   "I'm sleeping with these pillows!"

   After groaning about my disastrous situation for a good five seconds, I hopped in my bed (purposely creating a loud creaking noise to annoy Chan Mi) and burrowed myself under my blankets.



  Fire? Ooh, we can roast some marshmallows. Wait. A fire? A FIRE?

   I sprung out of bed and dashed towards the door, "Hurry, let's go!"

   ...Silence... My hair was all over the place, sticking up in all sorts of directions, and I'm pretty sure there's still some of my drool smeared on my cheek. Now, to make matters worse, Chan Mi is looking at me like she just saw a wild chicken crazily running around in our room. The awkward stillness of the dorm was then broken by an all too familiar giggling.

   "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The room was echoing with laughter. Laughter from Chan Mi.

   I gave her a blank stare only now realizing that this was her plan of waking me up. "Ihateeverything. Ijustwantedtosleep. Youmakelifehard," I trudged my way to my bed, blabbering nonsense.

   "Wake up, sleepyhead. It's already 9:30 a.m. Isn't your first class at 10?"

   My eyes widened, and I gawked at her in disbelief. "I haven't even picked what I was going to wear! Ugh!" I collapsed in my bed yet again. "And why are you still here? Your first class was at seven right?"

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