You Look Like... 《8》

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If you follow me, you probably already got the message about reading the last few paragraphs of this chapter. Those are really crucial to the plot and Y/n as a main character.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this long-awaited chapter.

My diagnosis is that no one has been treating you well

So what do you prescribe?

Love, the only medicine

Is this a lie?


Second Person Perspective.


Sitting at the shared table in the back of the math class, you twirled the pink glitter pen between your fingers while blowing a bubble of strawberry-flavored gum. Now, this is a peculiar setting. You were in your seat before Huey Freeman. When normally, for every class, Huey is the first one inside and the first one out. Today wasn't that day. Usually, Huey would meet you by your locker and walk with you the rest of the way to class, but today he didn't show up.

    You excepted to see him in his seat, but his chair was never touched. It's never like Huey to be second, let alone late for anything. He's very punctual with his time, simply because he hates being late. Blowing a larger bubble with your gum, it popped when you jumped to the sudden sound of the classroom door being forced open.

    Every person looked to the front door to spot Huey, who looked quite disheveled. Mrs. Green would eye him up and down before turning her attention back to the whiteboard. "Why, hello Mr. Freeman. Thank you for joining us." Huey ignored her as he dragged himself to his seat. He looked drained. More than usual.

    Placing your pen down you pushed open Huey's seat, watching him immediately slump onto it. "Hey Huey, are you okay? You look like shit." You stated as you placed your hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine." He snapped.

    A wafting wave of heat came off of him from just being in his view. "Mhm. You don't look like it, but whatever you say." You'd dismiss your concern with a shrug of your shoulders. Huey would take out his math textbook, and without even a second passing, he buried his face within the pages. Literally.

    "...Huey?" You called, poking his shoulder. Only a snore emitted from him. With a grin, you slipped off your jacket and threw it over Huey's shoulders. Huey slept through the lecture for the rest of the class period as you kept your attention on the lesson. Once the bell rang at the end of class, you stood at Huey's side, rubbing his back to wake him up.

    "Hey Huuuueeeeyyyy, it's time to leave now." You cooed. Huey murmured a groan and grunt as he slowly raised his head from the textbook. The thin page from the textbook stuck to his face before he swatted it away. With heavy breathing, he slowly packed his things before realizing the weight of your jacket on his shoulders. He looked at you with a raised brow as he put on the jacket completely, surprisingly it was big enough to fit.

    "You were sleepy, and I didn't have a blanket to give you. Thug won't let me bring a blanket to school." You said. Huey managed to chuckle before hacking the worst cough to hear. Cringing at the sound, you reached your hand out to feel his forehead. The heat was all you felt. "Huey you're sick." You stated. "I'm not sick." He argued.

𝐴 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝐺𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 // Boondocks x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now