Chapter 22

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Ethan POV
"Come on Ethan! We have to leave now so I can take you to our date!" Tyler yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I yell coming down the stairs. Tyler holds out his hand and I take it. He grabs the keys and we head to his car. "Sooooooo... are you gonna tell me where we are going Toyler?" I say smirking. "Nope it's a surprise!" he says 'suprise' with jazz hands. I giggle. I look out the window on the way there

~Le time skip~

Tyler POV
We get to our date place and I see Ethan fell asleep. "Ethan, Blueberry, we are here." I say shaking him a little. Ethan slowly wakes up and looks around. "Where are we?" he asks. "We are at the place where our date is. Now come on let's get out of the car." I say happily getting out of the car. I grab his hand and lead him where are going to be going. "Close your eyes" I say. He closes his eyes and covers them with one hand. After a few minutes we get there "Yoy can open then now" I say quickly standing behind you. "Tyler where are-" he doesnt even finish his sentence. "T-Tyler this place is-" "Amzazing isnt. This is where I come when I feel lonely." I say scratching the back of my neck looking down. "Oh! Look there's a bunch of blue flowers! My favorite color!" Ethan yells while running over there. I smile and wake over there. "Toyler! Toyler! Tylor! Tylor!" Ethan keeps yelling at me. "Im coming Blue Boi" I yell back. I sit next to him and he's twisting the stems of the flowers together making something. "What are you making with those flowers." I ask him. "Im making flower crowns. What's your favorite color?" he asks smiling. "My favorite color is orange. And what are going to do with those crowns?" "Im making a blue flower crown for you to wear. Then I'm going to make a orange flower crown for me to wear" He says smiling.

Ethan POV
I finish the blue flower crown and crawl over to Tyler. I sit on my knees and put the crown on his head and adjust it. "There. Now I have to go make my flower crown." I say giggling and running over to some orange flowers. "Toyler! Toyler! Tylor! Come over here!" I whine. He shakes his head and walks over here. I continue to make my flower crown. Once I'm done I out it on and take out my phone. I sit on Tyler's lap and go to the camera. "Toyler! Let's take a picture cause we look fucking gorgeous." I say with a dumb voice. Making a dumb face. I take the picture with my dumb face and with Tyler's stupid face when he was trying to smile. I look at it and laugh my ass off. "Delete that pic. I wasn't smiling." Tyler whines. "Noooooo. You look so cute like that. Plus it's funny." I say trying to stand up but I can't. Tyler pulls me into his lap and starts tickling me. "T-Tyler st-stop it! HAHAHA HAHAHAHA!" I start laughing. My side hurts. Then his fingers go over my cuts on my stomach. I yelp in pain. Tyler stops and looks at me. I quickly get and start to run but Tyler grabs my wrist. I yelp in pain again and I get my wrist lose from his grip and start to run as fast as I can. I hear Tyler scream my name but I just keep running. I run into the woods and go to my place where I always go if I can't go to the cliff. I slow down a little to see if Tyler is behind me. He's far behind me. I start running again. I see a big tree so I start to climb it. I get high enough so Tyler doesn't see me but I can see Tyler

He's going to hate you when he finds them.

His Little Blue Bean (Tythan)Where stories live. Discover now