Pregnancy Tantrums

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Hello friends... long time no see right ? well I missed you... trust me when I say this... I really really missed you... then why I didnt update ? because new job - new place - new people - everything was totally messed up .. I had training for 7 long weeks and the worst part was I didnt have any free time at all.... Thats the reason I was just not able to write... and with too many things in my head I was not able to focus on the plot as well... I wrote this 2 days back and after that I read this for like 5-10 times but I was not satisfied... something was missing, is what I felt... but if you like it please Vote , Comment and share.

Happy reading :)

This is the last chapter... Next part will be Epilogue.

Pregnancy Tantrums

Manik's POV:

This girl will drive me crazy.... She is cute lovely and all the good adjectives, but she is stubborn, cranky and the most difficult woman to handle in the entire universe sometimes. And this is one of such times. I agree that it was wrong on our part to hide the fact that she was pregnant, but we had valid reasons to do so. She pulled that stunt on us, which lead to too much blood loss from her body which could have been dangerous for her as well as the baby. For which she had to recover first. That's the reason we didn't tell her. And when the tantrum queen came to know about it she made our lives even more difficult.

She stopped listening to us... one whole week after we agreed to her stupid conditions, was literally frustrating. She 'ordered' me to sleep in the guest room... like seriously ??? she kicked me out of MY room... and thankfully today was the last day of that horrible torture that she put me through.

"Manik coffee ...." She said in half sleepy voice from the hall and I heard giggles of my 'Friends'. Was I her husband or a butler? I sighed in defeat because that discussion wasn't giving any good results.

"2 minutes" I said from the kitchen, and I know she must have dozed off by now.

Such a cute baby she is at times... no matter how much I try to stay angry on her, it is just not possible.... She has wrapped me around her little finger.

I took the coffee cup along with her favorite almond cookies and walked to the hall to see her sleeping in Mukti's lap. She slowly got up placing Nandu's head on the small cushion gesturing me to sit there. I adjusted myself in the remaining place and pulled into my lap, she struggled at first but then gave in by wrapping her hands around my waist and resting her head on my shoulder.

"I missed you" she mumbled sleepily and I kissed her forehead and replied a 'me too'

"drink this, then sleep" I said placing the coffee cup near her lips and she sipped it slowly and snuggled more into me once she was done.

"baby why do you feel so sleepy every morning ??" I was really confused with her behavior. She used to be a little cranky in the mornings but not this much.

"pregnancy hormones Manik" Aliya said and I gave her a confused smile. I didn't know about that. I just read few articles which said that pregnant women feel nausea, they have weird eating habits and get very emotional during this time. I have to do a little more research, I made a mental note in my mind to talk to Mom today itself.

"take her to the room and make her sleep properly ..." Dhruv said as he got up to get ready for office. I just followed what he said. These days that's the only thing I do.

'Manik do this.. Manik do that... Manik don't do this.. Manik don't do that...' I am getting irritated with all these orders because Manik Malhotra doesn't take orders.

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