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Third POV:
Down stairs, things were quite awkward.
"Shizu-chan, um....about this morning, um... do you by chance do that often in your sleep".
"No, this is the first since, you know you were in my dream, but when I was touching you I didn't even know I was touching the real thing. I really apologize for that,  it you should have smacked me or something, you know, anyway, why were you on top of me".
"I wanted to give you a good morning kiss, but I regretted it when I felt you groping all around my body".
Izaya was blushing, clearly remembering what Shizuo had did, although Shizuo smiled at him for a minute, but then left looked away, blushing himself.
"God damn it, why is so cute", He thought as he shook his head.
Izaya looked at him wth a confused expression on his face, he tilted his head.
"Every thing alright, Shizuo"?
"I-I'm fine don't worry".
I heard my stomach growl p, only to be joined by Shizuo's stomach as well.
"Well, I'm gonna make some breakfast, whatcha want to eat".
"I'll eat anything you cook".
"Heh, not picky huh, that's adorable".
"S-shut up, its only cause I'm hungry, and it's made by you", he said mumbling the last bit.
Shizuo patted him on the head, and then headed to the kitchen.
"I'm not a little kid", I shouted.
"I know, and I don't see yah as one neither".
Shizuo was hinting on to something, and Izaya was too oblivious to catch it.
"What's that supposed to mean"?
"Nothing", he said with a annoyed look.
"Huh, Shizu-chan you, looked very annoyed".
"Just wait until I make breakfast alright".
Shizuo's POV:
Damn it, why is he so oblivious, he doesn't get it yet, I kissed him, I had a very lewd dream about him, I even hinted that I think of him as a lover not a kid, but he doesn't catch on. He is really that dense, or is it that he already knows that I'm in love with him. God damn it he's so confusing. Sometimes I wish that I could speak more clearly about my feelings towards him, God damn it.
Izaya's POV:
I looked at Shizu-chan, to see that he has something on his mind. I wonder if Shizu-chan loves me. I mean kissed me and had weird dreams, even mollested me. Heh, also didn't he hug me in his sleep as well, does Shizu-chin love me, or is he pretending to actually care about me. Maybe he hates me, maybe he like everyone else's that got close to me, to use me and throw me away like garbage.
Shizuo doesn't like me, me the Izaya orihara, info broker, the god of mischief and misunderstandings. The unluckiest person.
Why am I like this, There might be a chance that Shizuo loves me right?
Why do you lie to yourself?
I'm not lying to myself, Shizuo might love me.
Don't kid yourself, why would he like a flea like you, even your own mother didn't want you, your father abandoned you after elementary school, to do what raise a different family.
But Shizuo isn't like that, he's a good person.
That's why, he's only here because..........

Sorry went a little over word count, heh, see yah in another update

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