Chapter Sixteen

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The next afternoon she hadn't much luck either. She sighed heavily and looked to Yuna, "I don't think I'll ever be able to clear my head the way you want me to." She said.
"I don't expect you to fully grasp the concept just yet, Sakura." He said kindly. "It does take time."
"Is there some kind of hint or something that could help me?" she asked desperately.
"The key is to let go. Let go of your anger and fear." He replied.
Sakura felt confused, "I don't understand."
"When you treat a patient who is severely wounded, do you let your fear control you?" he asked instead.
"No...I try and focus on how to help him and not let my fear take over. I can't help them if..." she suddenly realised. "I can't help them if I can't think clearly."
He smiled, "You're one step closer to understanding what you need to do."

A shout sounded somewhere in the distance.

"Sounds like your pursuers are looking for you again." Yuna commented.
"They're still alive...?" she asked.
"You mean you killed them?" he asked incredulously.
She shook her head. "No-well, I don't know. I deflected their attack or something before running away."
"Who are they?" Akiho asked curiously from where she sat.
"Soldiers from the neighbouring country sent to kill me..." she murmured.
The pair both looked confused. "Odd that they'd come for you specifically." Yuna murmured.
"I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She apologised, expecting to be asked to leave.
"Well, they won't find you here-my guess is they're lost in some kind of maze at the moment." He smiled.
It was her turn to look confused. "Maze?"
"I have a barrier set up so that people with ill intentions can't find us." He explained.
"That's amazing!" Sakura's eyes widened.
"Oh, thank you, but it's a fairly easy spell." Yuna replied.
"So...they won't be able to find me?" she asked hopefully, almost desperately.
"They won't." Akiho assured her.

She breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her meditating. She listened to the sound of the trees and the rustle of creatures scavenging for food, and she could hear the flow of water. She felt at peace with their whispers and continued to listen.
She sensed life all around her. Life that gave its protection to those it held dear.
"What do you sense?" he asked.
"The spirits of the forest... the trees, the plants and the animals, and the water." She replied gently.
"That's impressive." He smiled.
Whispers brushed against Sakura, welcoming her and praising her.
"They...want to welcome me." She murmured.
"Because you can hear their voices when others can't." He said.
"Is this what you wanted me to do by clearing my mind?" she asked.
"Yes. If you open your mind to the life around you, they'll be more inclined to help you. Often, a vessel acts as a mediator between those whose voices can't be heard and other magicians." Yuna explained. "Vessels also put these spirits at ease."
"Is that why animals often seem to like me?" Sakura asked.
"Yes." He said, "I would assume so."
Sakura sat in thought.
"If you can clear your head in any situation just like you have now, you'll be more focused and calm when utilising your magic." Yuna further explained.
"But...I still don't know how to steadily release my magic." She murmured.
He smiled, "We'll start on learning that tomorrow. It could be dangerous though-there may be times where you release too much magic all at once."
"So as a result, my body might not cope." She murmured as she furrowed her brows.
"Yes, but that bracelet should help a little." He nodded to her wrist.
She nodded, "I can do this."
He smiled, "Good to hear." He said, "Shall we head back now? You must be tired."
Sakura nodded and stood. She wouldn't back away from this-if she didn't learn how to use her magic, she would die, but if she wasn't careful during her training, it could also have severe consequences. But she didn't let that scare her.
She would get through this!

They walked back to the house in comfortable silence. Sakura felt happy, knowing she had achieved the first step after what had felt like a frustrating few weeks.
"Have you finished that book I gave you?" Akiho asked curiously.
"Oh-not yet. I still have a few pages." Sakura replied.
"Are you understanding everything?" she asked.
She frowned in thought. "Now that you mention it...there was this one part I didn't quite understand."
"What was it?" Yuna inquired.
"It was a chapter on how a vessel takes on others pain without realising it." She murmured.
"I see. How do you think that might relate to you?"
Sakura shrugged. "I can take on other people's wounds..."
"You mean physical wounds, yes?"
She nodded.
"You take on people's suffering. For example, when you take on a persons' wounds, you take away their pain. But you also take on the wounds to the heart, or soul, as well." Yuna explained.
"I don't know how to deal with that." She worried. "How do I sort my feelings from someone else's?"
"I think you already subconsciously do so." He replied. "But I wouldn't be surprised if the feelings and emotions you took on in prison affected you drastically."
Sakura gnawed at her lip anxiously and Akiho smiled, "Don't worry. I'm sure when the time comes, you'll know which feelings are yours and which ones aren't."
"You think so?" she asked.
Sakura smiled. She felt a lot better after discussing the topic with her mentor and new friend. She had learned so much in the small period she'd been there, and she was glad she was still learning.

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