Chapter Twenty

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Sakura woke in the familiar surroundings of her home and to Syaoran's warmth. She smiled and hoped her moment wouldn't end anytime soon. She felt his fingers brush through her hair and she opened her eyes to meet his.
"Morning." He greeted softly.
"Hey." She replied.
He smiled, "You've stopped concealing that mark on your shoulder."
"You knew I was concealing it?"
"I did."
She sighed softly. It explained several things, including why he kept asking about her mark.
"I don't think I was consciously concealing it while I was being held prisoner. But I became aware of it not long before I came here." She murmured.
"Why did you hide it from us?" he asked.
"I guess I was afraid. I didn't know if everyone had their own unique mark or if there were certain characteristics that related to certain things." Sakura said.
"I'm guessing that while you were gone you learned that there are characteristics to look out for, didn't you?" Syaoran asked.
She nodded.
He smiled, "I've read and learned about these things my entire life, and I still have no idea what kind of magic you use, even with your mark as a clue."
She felt anxious. Did that mean he didn't know what a vessel was? How would he react?
"You're anxious again." He said softly.
She blinked. "How could you tell?"
Syaoran smiled, "I can just tell."
"How busy will you be today?" she asked.
"I'm free unless something comes up." He replied.
She smiled, happy she'd be able to spend the day with her husband. She hoped nothing came up.
"While I was away, I learned what I was..." she murmured nervously.

He watched her patiently while she struggled to find her words. She gnawed her lip for a moment and then sighed softly.

"Syaoran, do you know what a vessel is?"
Recognition showed in his eyes. "Yes, though I've never known someone who was a vessel."
She held his gaze and it didn't take him long to realise the meaning behind her question.
"I see...that explains your abilities." He murmured. "Though I'm surprised you've managed to live for so long."
"When I met my mentor, at the time he told me I had only four months left to live." She confessed. "But I can use my magic now, so I should be fine."
He pulled her closer, "Really? You won't be leaving anytime soon?"
She shook her head, "No. He also said that..." she trailed off, not entirely sure how to approach the topic. She smiled, "Never mind. That can wait for a little while."
Syaoran stayed quiet, assessing her mood for a moment.
"Will you tell me what you've been doing this past year?" he asked.
She nodded, "I will. But maybe after I've eaten something?"
He laughed. "Of course."
She kissed him, "I missed this. I missed us."
"I did too." He murmured.

They parted and moved to get up and dressed. They ate and then Sakura hurried off to feed and tend to Amalthea who gave her an annoyed snort upon arrival.
"I'm sorry-I'll do better, I promise." Sakura apologised.
She sensed the horses' annoyance fade and she smiled.
"She really likes you." Syaoran said as he joined her.
Sakura looked up briefly before she turned to grab something for Amalthea.
"She was a gift from my mentor. I think we get along." She replied.
"What's her name?" he asked.
He smiled, "it suits her."
"She kept me safe on the way home. I'll always be grateful." Sakura said softly.
"I'm grateful too." Syaoran said. "She helped bring you home."
"This forest is very peaceful and very kind," Sakura murmured, "It enjoys having us here."
"Meiling mentioned the same thing once." Syaoran smiled, "The only thing I'm worried about is disturbing its peace."
Amalthea finished eating and moved to nudge Syaoran, demanding his attention. He looked at the horse with mild surprise and then to Sakura.
"She just wants you to pat her." Sakura laughed.
He smiled, "Pleased to meet you too." He said as he gently ran his hands over her soft fur.

"Syaoran, how much do you know about vessels?" Sakura suddenly asked.
He glanced up briefly, "I know that vessels are usually more in tune with the spirits around them-animals and things whose voices can't be heard love vessels and protect them." He murmured. "Their bodies absorb large amounts of magic and hold it, generally without the person realising."
Sakura nodded. "You mentioned earlier that vessels don't usually live for very long and you were surprised I had."
"I did."

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