Chapter 6 - Maîtriser

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Authors Note: There's approximately 2 chapters left in this. Thanks for reading xoxoxoxoxo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Secretly, marinette was hoping there was no akuma. But now, she couldn't help but stare at the door in shock.

Before she knew it, the door crashed open, kicking Marinette back 10 feet, back to the end of the hallway. An akumatized Alexander stepped out with a devilish smile. He had on an all black pointy hat, dark makeup, and a black doctor's coat. Landing on her feet, she called out to Rena.

"Rena Rouge, fight him back!"

She hit him in the face with her stick, kicked out his leg, and he fell on the floor. "Give us your akuma!"

"Ha! Never. This is the end for you, Ladybug and Rena Rouge. End of the line!"

He jumped back up, and punched Rena in the chest, sending her flying into the nearest room. He shot out black masses of energy towards random object, making them rip into pieces on its own.

Ladybug quickly called Chat Noir.

"Protect the students. THE AKUMA IS OUT!"

Upstairs, Chat Noir made all the students hide, huddled in the stewardess cabin. He twirled and waved his baton, circling the students, keeping an eye out.

Back downstairs, Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around his legs, dragging him towards her. "Come to your senses Alexander!"

He fought out of the yo-yo's grip, and shot black masses of energy towards her.

"I am no longer Alexander, I am now Maîtriser, you fool! I will overpower you all!"

He all of a sudden super sped upstairs, whooshing behind Ladybug before she could reply.

He has super speed?

She ran upstairs, followed by Rena Rouge.


Chat front flipped ahead of him, while smashing his arm with his baton. He saw the akuma woosh away.

He looked behind him, but it was too late. Alexander grabbed Alix by the hand, bringing her towards the emergency exit, threatening to throw her out. "Give me your Miraculouses, or the girl will go!"

He let out a force field that was impenetrable, separating him from the three miraculous holders.

Marinette couldn't do anything, but she also couldn't let Alix get hurt! She had to stall.

"Alexander, you don't have to do this. You can work things out! You can talk to your dad, it's all going to be okay! Give us your akuma and it's all going to be okay."

His grip on Alix loosened, and the force field weakened. Yes! Marinette thought.

"Yes, just give us your akuma, and you can fix things the easy way! You can become a doctor like you always wanted!"

Alexander was having second thoughts. He now completely let go of Alix, until he became paralyzed as the purple butterfly mask appeared in front of his head.

"Don't listen to them, they want to take away your advantages, your power, don't let them! We had a deal, Maîtriser."

Alexander frowned with his brows furrowed. "Yes Hawkmoth."

"You're all tricking me," he grabbed ahold of Alix again, and gripped onto the latch of the door.

"You just want to take my power so I can be nothing."

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