Chapter 7 - is This the End?

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Authors Note: Okay, now There are 2 chapters left of this story. Hope you enjoy :) (P.S. While writing a certain scene in here, I was listening to "In the rain" from the umbrella scene in the Origins Episodes!)

Marinettes eyes fluttered opened when she felt a thud with the airplane. We're landing. She shifted to sit up but felt a head resting on her left arm.

Adrien! He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Heart eyes all around!

"Hey, Adrien," she tapped her on the shoulder, and he stirred. "Wake up Adrien, we're here!"

The class started chattering when the plane slowed down to a halt, just at the boarding station.

"We have now landed in JFK airport, thank you for flying with us."

Adrien opened his eyes slowly, and sniffed. He sniffed again until his sense caught up with him, now making sense of where he was.


He jumped up from this position and awkwardly smiled at her, while rubbing the nape of his neck. "Haha, sorry Marinette."

She smiled back. "It's okay Adrien." She looked out the window where Adrien was sitting and saw it was now dark out. She pulled out her phone and saw the clock change from 8:29, to 8:30. "We're here! I can't believe we're finally here. Stepping feet on foreign soil, in a new continent!"

"I'm excited too. This is the first time I've ever flown on a plane somewhere with friends, and though it was a strange ride, I had tons of fun! Can't wait to go to the ceremony tomorrow."

Ms. Bustier walked up to the front of the plane to face the class. "Alright class, let's get our carry on bags and exit the plane in a single file fashion!"

Partners stood up and were walking out, but Marinette couldn't find her carry on bag. She searched in the compartment above, and the chairs around her, but she still couldn't find it.

"Marinette, what are you looking for?" Asked Adrien.

"My bag, I can't seem to find it. I know for a fact I put it back up here."

"Maybe you can ask a flight attendant?" He said, while putting his bag over his shoulder. The plane was now almost empty.

Marinette started panicking. She looked around and walked up to the nearest flight attendant, tapping on their shoulders. The woman with the hat and sunglasses turned around, leaving the worried student a bit shook.

"What can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm looking for my carry on bag and I can't seem to find it. Have you seen a pink bag with brown trim laying around anywhere? O-oh and there's a large MDC on the side, stitched in."

"Ah, yes. I've seen that bag. Follow me!"

"Oh, um o-ok." Marinette turned around to the rest of the plane and saw everyone was out, except Adrien and Ms. Bustier. She gave them a yearning look to not leave. Ms. Bustier smiled warmly, and so did Adrien. Marinette followed the woman to a closet, and gave her the bag.

"I found it laying around first class, and didn't know whom it belonged to at first. Now have a safe trip!"

"Oh thank you, Miss, Uh what's your name?"

She turned Marinette around and brought her back to the plane entrance, where Ms. Bustier and Adrien were waiting. "You better get going, you don't want to be late for hotel check-in!"

"Okay. Thank you again!" She waved at the woman, and she waved back to all three of them, who walked out of the plane to the entrance inside the airport.

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