chapter 4~ Now i know

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No ones p.o.v

Lana and justice spent the rest of the day going to different classes. They felt odd that Rayan nor Jacob tried to pick on them. They were happy tho. Once justice stepped out of school to the parking lot she saw Lana by her car.

Justice~ hey Lana you wanna drive today I feel kinda weird.

Lana~ hola and hell yeah

Justice~ okay here *throw's the keys to her*

*in the car*

Justice~ Lana you want to spend the night at my place.

Lana~ yeah sure but let me swing by my place to get some things

Justice~ you slept over my many time you practically have a closest.

Lana~ Lol you do to in my house. But I wanna just get one thing

Justice~ oh okay.

Lana~ so what was that all about when Jacob was bullying me. U seemed different.

Justice~ umm well its nothing.

Lana~ you can tell me anything.

*justice flashback*

A/t note~ Samuel is justice older bro. This happen when she was 14 and he was 16.

Samuel~ w.e you do stay in the car.

Justice~ but what if something happens to you.

Samuel ~ if something does tell mom and mona I love them and you. I will protect you and watch over you.

Justice~ don't say that. But I love you to.

With that being said he went in that house. But once he got in the was grabbed and tied up.

??~ do you have my things.

Samuel ~ no I don't have your thing I don't want to take part in this no more.

??~ oh well you know what we have to.

Justice had heard that and she got scared. So she went out the car and brought a bat she found in the car.

??~ boys get him

Justice~ nooo leave him alone you ass hole *she screamed and tears ran down her face*

??~oh really. What your going to Lil bitch.

Justice~ *ran to him and hit him with the bat till he fell then she started punching him*

Samuel ~ I told you to stay in the car. I love y-- *he fell to the ground and blood started to come from his stomach*

Justice~ nooooooo I hate you. *she looked back then fell Cus ?? Shot her*

Justice~ how could you ---

Someone must of heard the shooting and called the police. They came and they went to the hospital. Justice came out 2 weeks later. But unfortunately Samuel didn't make it and died that same day. He was in the same room as justice. Ever since that happen Justice has been very protective of her loved ones.

*flash back over*

Lana~ wow. I'm sorry.

Justice~ *tears fell from her eyes* don't be sorry for something you don't have control over.

Lana~ so that's why I visited you everyday. I came but you were in a small coma. I didn't know why you was there though.

Justice~ no one knows not even my sis and my mom. And I tell my sis everything. So your the only one who knows.

Lana~ oh okay. But who was that guy who shot you and your brother.

Justice~ um um um idk. *she looked down*

Justice knew actually who it was but was to ashamed to say.

Lana~ *felt suspicious but knew it bothered her so she dropped it* oh okay.

Justice~ yea.

Lana~ now I know.

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