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"You're telling me that you went to their class and they were cuddling?" Taehyung asks Hoseok as he looks at you and Jungkook with a smirk.

Hoseok nods his head as Taehyung bursts out laughing, clutching onto Jimin's arm for support.

You roll your eyes and turn to Hoseok with an angered look on your face. All he's done ever since the incident with Felix years ago is try to embarrass you and you're beyond done with his ways by now.

"I hope you're happy, Hoseok! All you ever do is mess up my friendships with people! We were cuddling because we became friends. With your logic, you and Yoongi are dating because you hug! I'm done!" You stamp your feet and push past all of them and begin making your way home, ignoring their stares that burn through the back of your head.


Jungkook's pov:

I turn to Hoseok with an unimpressed look. Did he seriously just make Y/N storm off like that?

I point my finger in his face. "Really Hoseok?" I mumble before speed walking after Y/N.

She told me she lives literally on my road so she's heading the same direction as me. I don't know her much at all, but I can't help but feel bad for her. Hoseok and Jin are probably the two most annoying people possible when it comes to relationships. Even though me and
Y/N aren't in a relationship, that doesn't stop them from making false assumptions.

As I approach the park around the corner of my house, I see a frail figure sitting on the swing, swinging gently back and forth as soft hums leave their lips.

I slowly walk closer and closer towards the swing before realising that the figure is her. Her head bowing down to the floor as she hums sweet, gentle melodies that harmonise with the light breeze creating the perfect harmony.

"Y/N?" I whisper as I tap her shoulder.

She stops humming and looks up to me with confused eyes. "Don't you want to stay as far away from me as possible? Jin and Hoseok think you're dating me. And that's probably the worst insult ever..." She mutters before kicking a stone with her scuffed shoes.

I sigh and take a seat on the swing beside her. I bring my hand up to graze hers and give her a smile. "How is that the worst insult ever?" I ask as she sighs again.

"I mean take one look at me and your question will be answered." Her voice cracks, almost as if she's holding back a tsunami of tears.

Does she seriously think that lowly of herself?

"Hey!" I shout, causing her to flinch slightly. "You're pretty and you have a really nice personality. So I'm going to take what Hoseok thought as a compliment." I smile at her.

Her cheeks instantly heat up and a smile invades her face. She makes an attempt to cover her blush with the sleeve of her jumper but I pull it away and giggle.

"You know I don't think Hoseok and Jin meant anything by what they said." I mumble as she looks up at me and opens her mouth to speak, instantly getting hushed by me. "I think they're the enthusiastic type of friends who get too hyped over things like this." She slowly nods in agreement.

I stand up from the swing and take a few steps so I'm standing in front of
Y/N with my hand reached out. "Shall we go and speak to them? Because I'm sure they don't mean anything bad."

After a few seconds of hesitation, she jumps off of the swing and intertwines her small hand with mine, fingers interlocking with mine as I tighten the grip.

We silently walk through the dimly lit streets as the only source of light is the lamp posts and the soft moonlight.

I've always loved winter. The way the streets get lunged into darkness so early and the way the winter breeze wraps around my body leaving me cold and craving warmth.

Y/N's hand is small, yet so warm. Wrapping around my hand like a glove, giving me the warmth I've been craving.

"Jungkook..." She whispers as I look down to her with a smile.


"What if the fact that we're holding hands makes them think we seriously are dating?" She asks, concern leaking through her soft voice.

I squeeze her hand tighter and take a step closer to her so our shoulders touch. "Then let them think that..." I state and pause as we reach the gate of Hoseok's house.

My hand stays tightly gripped around hers as I walk up the path and leave a knock against the door. After a few seconds the door flies open and a more than happy Hoseok appears. Jumping towards us with a huge smile over his face.

"Y/N! Jungkook! I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I'm a dickhead, i know! Forgive my si-"

I slap his shoulder and roll my eyes, pushing past him with Y/N still in my hold. "Shut up, it's fine. It wasn't that bad! You're making it sound like you killed someone for fuck's sake!"

Hoseok closes the door and takes a seat on the sofa opposite me and Y/N.

"Where's Jin?" Y/N asks and looks towards Hoseok.

"He's upstairs having a shower. Wanna watch a movie while we wait for him? He takes eternity doing god knows what in there."

I chuckle and nod my head, turning to Y/N as she nods aswell.

Hoseok leaves the room with energy in his every step. Sometimes I wonder where he gets all that energy from because somehow he always seems to possess this never ending store of energy even when he's running from literally 1 hour of sleep.

I turn to Y/N and give her a smile. "Are you okay with staying here for a bit to watch a movie? Will you mum be fine with that?" She nods her head and leans back on the sofa with a smile.

"My mum doesn't get back till like 3am because of work so she doesn't really care. I could be out for weeks and she wouldn't really question it..." She mumbles.

As I open my mouth to respond, the door bursts open and Hoseok appears with a DVD of frozen in his hand.

"Bitches we're watching frozen!"

The fact that he chose frozen doesn't really shock me much at all considering his mentality, but the fact that he still uses DVDs and not Netflix is the real thing that leaves me perplexed...

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