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"Come on!" Jungkook tugs at your arm as you shake your head, laying on his bed clinging tightly onto the huge teddy bear with your eyes closed. "I need to get some things from the shop and you're coming with me.

You groan before throwing the teddy to floor and rising to your feet. "Why? Why can't I stay here sleeping? I'm exhausted and want to sleep. Not to mention how cold I am."

Jungkook gives you a sympathetic frown before tossing one of his oversized hoodies towards you. "Trust me, you do not want to stay here with my mum. The shop is only a 2 minute walk away and I promise you can sleep when we come back."

You nod your head and throw the hoodie over your petite body. It hangs off your slender frame loosely making you like a million times more tiny than you already are.

Jungkook smiles at the sight and reaches his hand out for you to hold as he skips out of his room and out of the house.

The one thing you've gathered about him that makes you want to know the reason why, is that fact that he's always holding your hand. Almost like it's his instinct. The first time he held your hand you had only known him for a few hours. It's cute and you can't deny the fact that you like the protective feel of his larger hand around your small one, but it's something that's left you confused.

When you close the gate to his house and begin heading towards the store you feel like a tsunami of tiredness hits you. Your eyes slowly drifting shut as your legs head in all different directions.

"Silly girl." Jungkook pauses and crouches down infront of you as he waits to give you a piggyback. You stare at him not knowing what he's doing. "Get on my back." He sighs and you hesitantly do as instructed.

His arms strongly hold you up as you wrap your arms loosely around his neck. He begins walking, occasionally looking up at you with a smile, observing how precious and cute you truly are. Your eyes shut as sleep slowly posseses your body.

Jungkook's pov:

I push the door open to the shop with my butt as my arms remain tightly around her skinny legs ensuring I don't drop her. Her soft snores tickle my ears as she sleeps ever so softly on my back.

My eyes head straight towards the chocolate at the back. The primary reason for me coming here was to get some food and drink for when me and y/n have a movie night later. I don't really know what type of food or drink she likes but I'm gonna take a wild guess because she's too cute and sleepy to wake up and ask.

"Excuse me!" I call to the man at the till. "Please could you help me grab a few things and take them to the till because my hands are kind of full at the moment." I gesture towards y/n who's still sleeping soundly upon my shoulders.

The man nods his head and instantly heads towards me.

"Could you grab me a pack of diet coke and that bag of crisps there." I narrow my eyes down to the sweets at the bottom of the shelf. "Oh and can you please grab me that bar of chocolate?" The man nods his head and heads back to the till with all the items. I follow after him.

"That'll be £6 please, sir." The man smiles at me as I sigh to myself as I realise that my wallet is in my back pocket and my hands are still full.

"Dude, could you do me a favour please and get my wallet out of my back pocket? Sorry but y/n here is really a heavy sleeper and won't wake up for shit..." He mumbles as the man chuckled while making his way to my behind.

"You're a good boyfriend, that's for su-" Just as the man places his hand into my back pocket to grab the wallet, y/n kicks her leg out harshly; straight into the poor guy's balls.

"I'll get it for him! Don't touch him." She sleepily mutters before grabbing the wallet and throwing it onto the side.

I blink in shock as I watch the man limp back to behind the till with horror across his face. "I'm so sorry on her behalf..." I whisper and mentally kill y/n and pray that she won't do something like this again.

This salty girl... Even getting jealous when a guy has to get my wallet from my back pocket? She's really something else...

"How are we going to get the money out if your arms are full?" The man asks.

"Could you open it and get a £10 note out please?" He nods and does as instructed before sliding the wallet and the change back towards me.

"Have a good day, sir." He smiles as I look down at the bag, wallet and change trying to think of how I'm going to carry this home with y/n still on my shoulders.

As if she's read my mind, she jumps down from my shoulders and grabs the bag and wallet along with the change and heads out the door.

I raise my eyebrows before following after her.

"Y/n! Wait up!" I run after and take the bag from her grip. She smiles at me and slips her hand into my spare hand as we head back to mine.

We walk back in silence until we reach the road that my house is on as she pauses and looks down at both of our hands. "You know... Don't you find it weird how we've known eachother for literally 4, nearly 5, days and we're so close. I mean we hold hands all the time, hug and we even damn kissed." She looks into the distance with confusion across her face.

I smile and squeeze her hand tighter before beginning to walk again. "Well when love is strong enough, it can form in the shortest amount of time."

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