n i n e

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My arms remain tightly around Jungkook's waist as my head is snuggled cosily into his chest. He rests his head in the corner of my neck and occasionally delicately places his soft lips against my neck leaving a kiss.

I smile to myself. Love really can grow in the shortest amount of time. One week and I already feel this strong connection between us, and I feel this deep feeling of love for him.

My phone suddenly rings causing my hands to remove from his waist and his head to remove from my neck. I grab my phone and instantly gasp at the name that appears.

"M-my mum..." I whisper before anxiously pressing the answer button and holding my phone to my ear.

Almost instantly after I answer the call I'm greeted with abrupt shouting.

"Where the fuck are you? Your dad and I have been searching for literally eternity for you! I've been worried sick and was just about to call the police." She spits her words out as I gulp.

Jungkook looks at me with worry while I look down to the floor, heart resembling a steam train. My mum's usually a calm person but when she's angry she's the most unpredictable person on the face of this earth.

"I-i'm with Jungkook. Sorry for not telling you." My voice is so faint that it's almost inaudible.


I throw my phone onto his bed and run my hands through my hair. I already know that when I go back I'm going to get an earful from both of my parents and they'll probably take away my phone and ground me.

"I'm so dead..." I rise from the bed and grab my phone and head towards the door. As my hand reaches the handle, a hand wraps around my wrist causing me to stop.

"I'm coming with you." Jungkook states before opening the door for me and leading me out of his house.

The wind hits me as soon as we step outside. The hoodie that Jungkook let me borrow still hugs my body and gives me some warmth.

My house is literally opposite Jungkook's so it doesn't take us long to get there.

Soon enough we're standing outside of my door as I stare at it blankly, not wanting to enter from fear of what my mum's going to say.

Jungkook's pov:

I watch as y/n stands still. Eyes staring at the door as she takes deep breaths. I stand behind her and wait for her to be ready.

She suddenly turns around and leans herself into my chest. "Jungkook, I'm scared..." She mumbles against my jumper as I take her shoulder and pull her out so she's looking towards me.

"Don't be scared, hold my hand and squeeze it tight." I take her hand and intertwine our finger together, hoping that my hand can give her the same comforting feeling that hers gives to me.

She smiles slightly before opening the door and taking a step inside.

"Mum? I'm back." Her voice calls out in a medium time as she closes the door and heads straight forward to a room where a woman sits on the sofa with an unreadable expression.

She looks me up and down with the same unreadable expression. Her eyes narrowing down to our hands before her eyebrow raises up high.

"Mum, this is Jungkook." Y/n introduces me to her mum, her voice notably shaky.

Her mum begins to stand from the chair and make her way towards us. I edge closer towards y/n as I sense her fear.

Her mum stands infront of y/n before cupping her cheeks in her hands and jumping up and down like a crazily happy lady.

"My baby finally got a new boyfriend!" She screams, voice drenched with obvious excitement.

I chuckle as y/n shakes her head in embarrassment.

Her mum turns towards me with an illuminating smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm y/n's mum and I'm glad she finally got a new boyfriend. Was beginning to think she'd be lonely her whole life."

I chuckle before shaking my head.

"Actually... She isn't my girlfriend." Her face drops to a saddened face as I place a hand on her shoulder and give her a reassuring smile. "Yet!"

I turn to Y/n and look into her eyes with a look of nothing but pure love.

"Y/n... Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask as her cheeks turn a bright tone of red.

Her mum squeals before grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. "You better say yes or you're out of this house and into the streets, missy!"

I chuckle at her mum's reaction before turning back to Y/n and watching as she nods her head slowly and looks down to the floor with embarrassment in her system.

My lips turn to a huge smile as I pull her into a hug and plant a kiss on both of her cheeks. Her mum watches with the biggest smile on her face.

"Come on! We're going!" Y/n shouts as she tugs at my wrist.

Her mum runs after us and cups her hands around her mouth. "Don't be making no babies, okay? I don't wanna be a grandma yet! I don't want to feel any older than I already am!"

Y/n slams the front door shut as I chuckle. Her cheeks are bright red.

"Why'd you have to ask me infront of her?" She slaps my chest and pouts her lips.

I squeeze her cheek and give her a smirk.

"Is my princess embarrassed?" I tease as she gives me a look of disgust and slaps my arm as she walks away from her front door as she waits at the bottom of her path for me.

"You're seriously the most cringey person I know!" She shouts as I chuckle and skip towards her.

"Cringey but you love me..." I wink and plant a sweet kiss upon her lips.

She begins walking away with the ghost of a smile on her lips.

"I guess I do love you, weirdo..."

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