Somewhere in Beijing is the son of a Turkish billionaire, Aabid Jalaludeen, the first male grandchild of a deceased Multibillionare, Jaluludeen AbdulHameed. An order from his father to move to Turkey and stop his troublesome activities is proved by...
The dull clouds roared deafening thunder as driblets began accelerating down the hot ground. It was as if the clouds themselves were frustrated and kept emotions deep within them, saving it for a spare time—a more favourable period for them to explode and let it all go.
Relieved, the fogs stopped splashing approximately in the early hours of sundown. Aabid strolled leisurely to his private automobile, and was nearly getting in not until he accepted a call from the president Jalaludeen himself. He retreated to his workroom at the end of the call—for it was an urgent command.
[To cut a long story short, we have enticed IRM to trade their rations. No need to question me how. Quickly move and acquire them before someone else does. It is in the web page right now. Do it now,]
Aabid perceived it was not gentle persuasion but hanky-panky. Who would abruptly make a decision to split their modest shares in a blink of an eyeball without much thinking regarding it. On the other hand afresh, it is believable—their portion was little anyways; notwithstanding still useful for Al-Taajir enterprise. He whirled on his seat as he watched the bootloader. In a few seconds, he had already logged into his active account. To Aabid's amazement, he obtained nothing on the page. No offers, no active stocks, nothing at all. A blank page. He phoned Jalaludeen's number.
"Father, Henüz hiçbir şey görmedim—bunun zaten sayfada olduğundan emin misin?
I haven't seen anything yet—are you sure it is on the page already?"
(Ne demek istiyorsun? Kendi gözlerimle gördüm, bizzat CEO ile beraberdik. 14 dakika önceydi.
What do you mean? I saw it with my own eyes, we were together with the CEO himself. That was 14 minutes ago.)
"hiçbir şey görmedim...
I have seen nothing..."
(Geç kaldın!
You were late!)
Jalaludeen terminated the call without adequate notice. On top of that, Aabid perceived it was undoubtedly going to remain a stressful week for him. Unless the story correctly was that the other group changed their minds about the decision. He knew his father was in the key process of catching out who accepted the stocks—and that individual must have been particularly close to him to have even had knowledge of the rare appearance of the trading at such unusual hours; for It was not an official auction. It exist as a favourable moment for Aabid to accumulate influence in the profession. Aabid delayed for incompletely an hour to see if it would come into view. However nothing resulted. He at the end fetched the tablet with him to his vehicle, aiming to carry on once he arrived home.
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