23|Love Of A Brother

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Chris is unquestionably not the right the person to go to for relationship advice. He is, however, the right person to go to if you’d like him to break someone’s nose.

That may not be what Adam intended but Chris is not bothered about that.

When he calls Austin and invites him over, he tries to give nothing away. He neither gives a sharp coldness to his voice nor the warmth he was familiar with using when concerned with Austin and the others. He expects that Austin knows the change in his voice. The call is short.

Austin arrives quickly and Chris expects no less.

There’s a tenseness in the younger, a clench of the jaw, a forced broadness of the shoulders and blankness of the eyes. Something doesn’t feel right to Chris. Although, he does severely doubt the possibility that creeps into his mind about him being body snatched.

Chris scrutinizes Austin for a few moments longer before gesturing at the couch, likely to the other man’s relief.

Austin seems to eye him similarly but a move rather forced by apprehension and fear than the slight feeling of a blood-thirsty rage of storm, currently wreaking havoc in Chris' mind. Only slightly. Maybe.

“I’m going to assume you know what this is about,” Chris says, still standing.

Austin pauses for a moment. He nods slowly. “Yes. Adam.”

Chris nods absently in agreement. “Okay, politeness out of the way; why did you fucking do it?”

Austin tenses again, or maybe just gets even more highly-strung – Chris doesn’t remember if he ever stopped being tense. He doesn’t meet Chris' glare, logically.

“I,” he starts. “I had a crisis,” he admits weakly and he looks like a kicked puppy, forced into a corner and weak.

“What kind of crisis?”

“A, an, sexuality crisis.”

Chris blinks. Blank. “Oh. Okay.”

“Okay?” Austin looks mildly offended, eyebrows knitted together and one raised, mouth pulled down slightly.

“Yeah. Okay,” Chris says, and he’s feeling happy now or at least happier – he hadn’t completely failed his brother, “you do realise you could of saved us some of the theatrics right though? You could have had a lovely, nice, calm conversation with Adam but you played the idiot card.”

“And how exactly would I have brought that up?”

Chris shrugs. “You guys must’ve talked about your relationship.”

Austin shifts and gives a nervous laugh.

Chris blinks. “My brother’s an idiot but so are you apparently.”

Austin's jaw clenches but he says nothing. Chris sighs.

“He loves you, ya know? I kind of almost wish that I went through with keeping you two apart,” Chris shakes his head. “No, that’s a lie, I don't want that. You need to fix this.”

Austin makes a distressing sound in his throat. “I had a crisis for a reason,” he snaps.

Chris glares. “If your trying to blame my brother –“

“No! Well, yes, but no,” Austin sounds frustrated. “He made me question things that I otherwise wouldn’t question,” Austin says slowly, after a moment, hands combing through his hair. “So, in a way, it is because of him.”

“That doesn’t make it sound any better.”

“I know,” Austin cries and if Chris wasn’t still confused and hurt on his brothers behalf, (the idiot would go running into his arms easily, he’s lovesick and a romantic at heart) he’d be tempted to feel pity. “ I know, okay? I fucked up because I was scared.”

Chris does feel a twinge of sympathy, and thinks, was it like this with Adam? Did Adam go through this by himself?

“I know,” he starts softly, “that you may think it’s about finding your sexuality and being secure in it. But sometimes that’s the difficult question and jumping headfirst into the difficult question hurts more than just one person,” he raises a brow at Austin, “sometimes the easier question to ask is, do I love this person, and how much am I willing to commit to them.

“You can work out the finer details later,” Chris smiles, “for now, be sure of what you know. Do you love Adam?”

Austin pauses for a moment. “Yes.”

Chris could hit him in relief. “Thank the lord above. Then what are you waiting for? I think you have someone to apologise to.”

Austin smiles softly, something of gratitude.

Chris really fucking needs a drink now.

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