Part 24

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D- you had a miscarriage
M- what
D- I'm very sorry
I nodded and he left. My mom hugged me and I started crying
M- is it my fault
Mo- no things like this just happen
Mo- you want me to call Sophie
I nodded and she walked out. I rubbed my stomach picturing my baby in there. My mom walked back in
Mo- she's coming
M- thank you
My phone started buzzing and I looked
Madi I'm sorry
Please forgive me. I love you
Read 2:48

Sophie came in and hugged me
S- what happened. I was just told to come here
M- I had a miscarriage
S- oh my god
She hugged me and sat next to me on the bed
M- thank you for being a good best friend
S- thank you for being a good best friend too
We both giggled and stopped hugging
M- should I tell Anthony I had a miscarriage or tell him I'm not pregnant or just don't tell him
S- I think you should tell him the truth
M- I don't know if I can even look at him. What about Emily
S- Emily told me what happened in the morning and I was shocked. I told her she had to tell you and she felt horrible about it
M- it just hurts
She nodded.

It was now 3:30 and Tyler should be out of school now unless he got detention. Sophie was still with me and I started crying 10 minutes ago and I'm still crying. Sophie was comforting me and then someone walked in. I looked up and it was Tyler. Sophie got up and Tyler sat down in her spot and then she left and he started comforting me. I stopped 5 minutes later.
T- I'll be here for you
I nodded
M- how was school
T- boring
I smiled and my mom came in
Mo- hi Tyler
T- hi
Mo- you can leave Madi
M- ok
Tyler got up and helped me up.
Mo- I'll bring home your medicine and other stuff that I'll talk to you about in 10 minutes ok?
M- ok bye
We left and Tyler held my hand while I walked. I felt very fragile and Tyler could tell.
T- mom picked me up so I'll drive you home
I got in and he drove
M- can you stop at Anthony's so I can tell his parents what happened
T- yeah hopefully he's not there
I nodded. He pulled in and I got out
T- you want me to come
M- no I'm ok
I walked up and I knocked. Cindy opened the door
C- tony
She yelled and tony walked to the door
C- how are you
M- I'm fine guys but i need to tell you guys something
They looked at me
M- I had a miscarriage so I'm not pregnant anymore
Cindy hugged me
C- I'm sorry
Then Tony hugged me
T- I'm sorry
M- thank you I text you guys
We said bye and I walked down. I was walking to the car when I saw Anthony walking up
A- madi
I looked at him and tears started forming. He grabbed my hand and I pulled away and got in the car. Tyler backed up and left. We got home and he helped me in. When we got in I sat on the stools (if you guys are confused on stools)

 When we got in I sat on the stools (if you guys are confused on stools)

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I sat down and Tyler made pizza in the oven. My mom walked in when the pizza got done.
Mo- did you guys eat
M- the pizza just got done
Mo- don't eat yet
T- can I
Mo- yeah
She sat down with a bag of things
Mo- ok so you take this pill in the morning and then you take this before you eat supper
M- ok
Mo- then you have to drink this drink at lunch
M- ok is it good
Mo- I don't it's suppose to take away the pain for the next days. And it's suppose to taste like strawberries
M- ok
Mo- and you are not going to school tomorrow your can go the next day tho
M- ok am I going to be fine
Mo- well your going to have small pains but—
M- no about Anthony
Mo- that's between you and him.
T- I am his best friend now again but I hate him for this
I smiled and laughed a little
M- you shouldn't hate him
Mo- now take you pill and then you can eat
I took it and I started eating pizza. Tyler sat next to me
M- do you know who threw the party yesterday
T- I think him and Chance and Emily and others went to a club. They had fake IDs
M- oh it's funny how you had one and you didn't go
T- you didn't go
M- I thought I was pregnant
T- right sorry
M- it's ok and you can say his name
T- I just didn't know... um did you talk to Anthony
M- no
Mo- tell him about the texts
M- I got texts from him when he was drunk and then unknown numbers texted me saying I was a slut and shit like that
T- when I find those girls I say something
M- no it's ok
There was a knock and Tyler went and answered it
T- madi
I walked and I saw Chance
C- hi
M- hi chance
Tyler stood behind me
C- I just want to say I'm sorry about everything
M- about what
I smiled
C- my Snapchat got hacked and those videos and photos got out
M- oh it's ok not your fault
We said bye and he left. I walked upstairs and I showered. I laid down after and I was thinking about Anthony and I soon started crying silently. I went on my phone and tweeted
Twitter: @madibrown
Madi Brown
I don't hate you I just lost respect for you😢💔
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Authors Note
-Follow my Anthony account on Instagram: tonys_squad
- Follow my Anthony account on Twitter: tonys_squad

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